Al Jaffee †

Steckbrief von Al Jaffee

Name:Al Jaffee
Beruf:US-amerikanischer Cartoonist für das MAD-Magazin
Alter:102 Jahre
Geburtsdatum:13. März 1921
Geburtsort:Savannah, Georgia, USA
Todesdatum:10. April 2023
Sterbeort:New York City, USA

Allan „Al“ Jaffee, geboren am 13. März 1921 in Savannah, Georgia, USA, und verstorben am 10. April 2023 in New York City, USA war ein US-amerikanischer Cartoonist, vor allem bekannt wegen seiner Arbeiten für das MAD-Magazin.

Mehr über Al Jaffee auf Wikipedia

Al Jaffee wurde in Savannah, Georgia, USA, geboren.

Bilder zum Thema Al Jaffee

Al Jaffee Bild 1
The Mad magazine discussion panel on Day 3 of the 2012 New York Comic Con, Saturday October 13, 2012 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan. From left to right: Editor-in-Chief John Ficarra, Art Director Sam Viviano, cartoonist Al Jaffee, writer artist Peter Kuper and cartoonist Drew Friedman. This photo was created by Luigi Novi. It is not in the public domain, and use of this file outside of the licensing terms is a copyright violation. If you would like to use this image outside of the Wikimedia projects, you may do so, only if I am properly credited, either by linking the photograph to this page, or with an easily visible credit placed near the photo in each instance in which it is used. Please credit authorship as follows:  © Luigi Novi / Wikimedia Commons. Please maintain the original file name in all uses. You can see a gallery of some of my other photos here. If you have any questions, you can contact me by sending me an email or leaving a note at the bottom of my talk page.
Al Jaffee Bild 2
The Mad magazine discussion panel on Day 3 of the 2012 New York Comic Con, Saturday October 13, 2012 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan. From left to right: Art Director Sam Viviano, cartoonist Al Jaffee, writer artist Peter Kuper and cartoonist Drew Friedman. This photo was created by Luigi Novi. It is not in the public domain, and use of this file outside of the licensing terms is a copyright violation. If you would like to use this image outside of the Wikimedia projects, you may do so, only if I am properly credited, either by linking the photograph to this page, or with an easily visible credit placed near the photo in each instance in which it is used. Please credit authorship as follows:  © Luigi Novi / Wikimedia Commons. Please maintain the original file name in all uses. You can see a gallery of some of my other photos here. If you have any questions, you can contact me by sending me an email or leaving a note at the bottom of my talk page.
Al Jaffee Bild 3
The Mad magazine discussion panel on Day 3 of the 2012 New York Comic Con, Saturday October 13, 2012 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan. From left to right: Art Director Sam Viviano, cartoonist Al Jaffee, writer artist Peter Kuper and cartoonist Drew Friedman. This photo was created by Luigi Novi. It is not in the public domain, and use of this file outside of the licensing terms is a copyright violation. If you would like to use this image outside of the Wikimedia projects, you may do so, only if I am properly credited, either by linking the photograph to this page, or with an easily visible credit placed near the photo in each instance in which it is used. Please credit authorship as follows:  © Luigi Novi / Wikimedia Commons. Please maintain the original file name in all uses. You can see a gallery of some of my other photos here. If you have any questions, you can contact me by sending me an email or leaving a note at the bottom of my talk page.
Al Jaffee Bild 4
Cartoonist Al Jaffee at the New York Comic Convention in Manhattan, October 9, 2010. Photo by Luigi Novi. This photo may be used, modified and published for any purpose, only if a easily visible credit to the photographer is placed near the photo in each instance in which it is used. Please maintain the original file name in all uses. (See licensing information below.) Publication of this photo without this proper attribution constitute copyright infringement. For more information on my photos, you can contact me here.
Al Jaffee Bild 5
Cartoonist Al Jaffee following a discussion panel dedicated to Trump magazine on Sunday, October 9, 2016 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan, Day 4 of the 2016 New York Comic Con. . This photo was created by Luigi Novi. It is not in the public domain, and use of this file outside of the licensing terms is a copyright violation. If you would like to use this image outside of the Wikimedia projects, you may do so, only if I am properly credited, either by linking the photograph to this page, or with an easily visible credit placed near the photo in each instance in which it is used. Please credit authorship as follows:  © Luigi Novi / Wikimedia Commons. Please maintain the original file name in all uses. You can see a gallery of some of my other photos here. If you have any questions, you can contact me by sending me an email or leaving a note at the bottom of my Wikipedia talk page.
Al Jaffee Bild 6
Signature of Al Jaffee

Alle 19 Bilder anzeigen

Al Jaffee Bild 7
Legendary artist Al Jaffee shown here personalizing a MAD Magazine in which his work has appeared for over three decades.
Al Jaffee Bild 8
Al Jaffee at the New School University Center in New York City
Al Jaffee Bild 9
Al Jaffee at the New School University Center in New York City
Al Jaffee Bild 10
Al Jaffee at the New School University Center in New York City
Al Jaffee Bild 11
Al Jaffee at the New School University Center in New York City
Al Jaffee Bild 12
From left to right (background): Comics creators Paul Levitz, Al Jaffee, Peter Kuper, and Sam Viviano at a panel at Columbia University in early 2014.
Al Jaffee Bild 13
Al Jaffee at a panel in 2016
Al Jaffee Bild 14
Al Jaffee at Columbia University 2014
Al Jaffee Bild 15
Al Jaffee at Columbia University
Al Jaffee Bild 16
Al Jaffee just before his birthday in 2016
Al Jaffee Bild 17
Al Jaffee at a Comics at Columbia event
Al Jaffee Bild 18
Al Jaffee at a Comics at Columbia event
Al Jaffee Bild 19
Al Jaffee at a Comics at Columbia event

Verwandte Themen

Fakten über Al Jaffee

  • Wodurch ist Al Jaffee bekannt?

    Al Jaffee war ein 🙋‍♂️ US-amerikanischer Cartoonist für das MAD-Magazin

  • Wie alt wurde Al Jaffee?

    Al Jaffee erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 102 Jahren.

  • Wann hat Al Jaffee Geburtstag?

    Al Jaffee wurde an einem Sonntag am ⭐ 13. März 1921 geboren.

  • Wo wurde Al Jaffee geboren?

    Al Jaffee wurde in 🚩 Savannah, Georgia, USA, geboren.

  • Wann starb Al Jaffee?

    Al Jaffee ist am ✟ 10. April 2023 in New York City, USA, gestorben.

  • In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Al Jaffee geboren?

    Al Jaffee wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♓ Fische geboren. Nach der chinesischen Astrologie ist sein Tierkreiszeichen der Hahn 鸡 mit dem Element Metall ('Metall-Hahn').

Mehr Geburtstage am 13. März

Mehr 102jährige Prominente

Auch im Jahr 2023 verstorben

Diese Seite wird auch unter folgenden Suchbegriffen gefunden: Alter Al Jaffee | Al Jaffee Steckbrief | Al Jaffee Größe | Al Jaffee Geburtstag | Al Jaffee geboren | Al Jaffee Geburtsort | Al Jaffee Alter | Al Jaffee Geburtsdatum | Al Jaffee Sternzeichen | In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Al Jaffee geboren | Wo wurde Al Jaffee geboren | Alter von Al Jaffee
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Einige Textpassagen dieser Seite stammen aus dem Wikipedia-Artikel Al Jaffee, Lizenz: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Autor/en: Liste.