Anwar as-Sadat Steckbrief von Anwar as-Sadat Name: Anwar as-Sadat Vollständiger Name: Muhammad Anwar as- Sadat Beruf: ägyptischer Staatsmann u. Friedensnobelpreisträger Alter: 62 Jahre †Geburtsdatum: 25. Dezember 1918 Geburtsort: Mit Abul-kum , Ägypten Todesdatum: 6. Oktober 1981 Sterbeort: Kairo, Ägypten Sternzeichen: Steinbock Chinesisches Tierkreiszeichen: Erde-Pferd Größe: unbekannt
Anwar as-Sadat, ägyptisch-arabisch Mohamed Anwar el-Sadat, geboren am 25. Dezember 1918 in Mit Abul-kum, Ägypten, und verstorben am 6. Oktober 1981 in Kairo, Ägypten, war ein ägyptischer Staatsmann. Von 1970 bis 1981 bekleidete er das Amt des Staatspräsidenten.
Mit Gamal Abdel Nasser und anderen war er Mitbegründer des Geheimbunds der Freien Offiziere , seit dem Staatsstreich 1952 bekleidete er hohe Ämter. Als Nasser 1970 starb, wurde er sein Nachfolger als Staatspräsident. Sadat führte Ägypten zwar in den Jom-Kippur-Krieg 1973, löste in der Folge jedoch das Land aus der engen Bindung an die Sowjetunion und schloss 1979 einen Friedensvertrag mit Israel. Für seine Bemühungen im Friedensprozess mit Israel erhielt er zusammen mit Menachem Begin 1978 den Friedensnobelpreis. Er fiel 1981 einem Attentat von Gegnern seiner Politik zum Opfer.
Mehr über Anwar as-Sadat auf Wikipedia
Anwar as-Sadat wurde in Mit Abul-kum, Ägypten, geboren.
Bilder zum Thema Anwar as-Sadat Anwar as-Sadat in Camp David Egyptian singer Abdel Halim Hafez shaking hands with President Gamal Abdel Nasser and congratulating him on the founding of the United Arab Republic between Egypt and Syria. To Nassers left is Abdel Latif Boghdadi. To Nassers right is Abdel Hakim Amer, Anwar Sadat, Zakaria Mohieddin and Kamel el-Din Hussein Ahmed Al-Jarallah in a meeting with President Anwar Sadat, President of the Egyptian Arab Republic al-Ahram newspaper 6-6-1978 source: Al-Kaher-2 Nasse Aamer-Sadat Anwar Sadat in Arab Socialist Union in 1971 Alle 140 Bilder anzeigen
Anwar el-Sadat Secretary of State Cyrus Vance welcomes President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and members of his party upon their arrival in the United States for a visit. The woman in the background wearing mauve is Anwar Sadats wife Jehan. Photograph taken at Andrews Air Force Base. Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat (left) receives military honors upon his arrival in the United States. He is accompanied by US Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance (right). Secretary of State Cyrus Vance welcomes President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and members of his party upon their arrival in the United States for a visit. The woman in the background wearing mauve is Anwar Sadats wife Jehan. Photograph taken at Andrews Air Force Base. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of West Germany meets in Cairo President Anwar Sadat of Egypt upon his arrival in the United States for a visit. Photograph taken at Andrews Air Force Base. Anwar Sadat greets Ezer Weizman, Israeli Defense Minister Anwar Sadat,member of the Egyptian Revolutionary Command Council 1953 Anwar sadat صورة الشهيد طيار عاطف أنور السادات الذي أستشهد في حرب 6 أكتوبر العاشر من رمضان صورة الشهيد طيار عاطف أنور السادات الذي أستشهد في حرب 6 أكتوبر العاشر من رمضان Bahi Ladghm et Anour Al sadet journal laction 1970 British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in London Black and white photograph print of Carl Albert shaking hands with Anwar al Sadat from the United Arab Republic (Egypt) while others look on. Black and white photograph print of Carl Albert shaking hands with Anwar al Sadat from the United Arab Republic (Egypt) while others look on. Black and white photograph print of Carl Albert shaking hands while others look on, including Anwar al Sadat from the United Arab Republic (Egypt). Black and white photograph print of Juan Carlos of Spain standing with several unidentified men. Cairo fires 1977 Sadat station plathome, Cairo, Egypt الرئيس محمد نجيب ومجلس قيادة الثورة يحتفل بالذكرى الأولى لثورة يوليو 1952، واحتوى العرض على استعراض عسكري في ميدان التحرير، القاهرة، مصر. الرئيس محمد نجيب ومجلس قيادة الثورة يحتفل بالذكرى الأولى لثورة يوليو 1952، واحتوى العرض على استعراض عسكري في ميدان التحرير، القاهرة، مصر. היאכטה הנשיאותית המצרית חוריה מובילה את הנשיא מצרים אנוואר סאדאת לנמל חיפה ספטמבר 1979 Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran visits Egypt and meeting with President Anwar Sadat نصب تذكاري لشخصيات مصرية شهيرة، من اليمين لليسار: نجيب محفوظ (كاتب) - محمد أنور السادات (رئيس مصر السابق)- أحمد زويل (عالم) - محمد حسني مبارك Egyptian government officials inside al-Azhar Mosque before prayers on the last Friday of Ramadan. At the front, from left right: Speaker of the National Assembly Anwar Sadat, Grand Imam of al-Azhar Hassan Maamoun, President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Vice President Hussein el-Shafei and Interior Minister Zakaria Mohieddin. Egyptian officials in front of the al-Azhar Mosque during prayers for the last Friday of Ramadan. From left to right: Zakaria Mohieddin, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Hussein el-Shafei and Anwar Sadat. Delegations attending the 1963 unity talks between Egypt, Syria and Iraq in Cairo. From left to right: Kamel el-Din Hussein of Egypt, N/A, Anwar Sadat of Egypt, Abdel Hakim Amer of Egypt, an Iraqi officer, Ziad al-Hariri of Syria, Nahid al-Qasim of Syria, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, and Ali Salih al-Saadi of Iraq Muhammad Metwally Al Shaarawy with Sadat in 1978 Members of the Executive Committee of the Arab Socialist Union of Egypt during the Second Session of the National Conference on the war with Israel keine Bildbeschreibung The Free Officers Movement of Egypt. Bottom row from left to right are Gamal Abdel Nasser, Mohammed Naguib, Abdel Hakim Amer and Anwar Sadat Yuri Gagarin(يوري جاجارين), Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar El Sadat, Stadium in Cairo, Egypt, 01-02-1962 Arabic inscription, Aswa High Dam, Egypt U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Congressman Murtha Greets Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, 1980 King Faisal with Anwar Sadat and Kamal Adham in Cairo in the early 1970s President sadats daughter welcomes Littal Yadin, at Alexandria. Tomb of the unknown Soldier, and Tomb of Anwar as-Sadat, on the Autostrade freeway, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt. Shot by Estr4ng3d, November 2006. Grab des unbekannten Soldaten und Grab von Anwar as Sadat; Nasr City, Kairo Grab des unbekannten Soldaten und Grab von Anwar as Sadat; Nasr City, Kairo Grab des unbekannten Soldaten und Grab von Anwar as Sadat; Nasr City, Kairo Grab des unbekannten Soldaten und Grab von Anwar as Sadat; Nasr City, Kairo Grab des unbekannten Soldaten und Grab von Anwar as Sadat; Nasr City, Kairo Grab des unbekannten Soldaten und Grab von Anwar as Sadat; Nasr City, Kairo Grab des unbekannten Soldaten und Grab von Anwar as Sadat; Nasr City, Kairo Menachem Begin. Menachem Begin. Menachem Begin. Menachem Begin. Muhammed Naguib colors Muhammed Naguib release Prime Minister Gamal Abdel Nasser and some members of the RCC welcomed by cheering crowds in Alexandria after the signing of the British withdrawal order. (Salah Salem seated in front of Nasser with sunglasses), Kamal el-Din Husseini (behind Salem), Anwar Sadat (only partially visible, behind Husseini), Abdel Hakim Amer (standing behind Nasser, face not seen). Abdel Latif Boghdadi and Hussein el-Shafei are present in the car, but not seen. Speaker of National Assembly Anwar Sadat (left) and President Gamal Abdel Nasser (right) at the National Assembly Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and Vice President Anwar Sadat cast their votes at Alexandria polling station in the 1968 referendum on the March 30 Statement for political reform Gamal Abdel Nasser takes presidential oath for his third term as president, behind him is Speaker of the Peoples Assembly Anwar Sadat. Top Egyptian leaders of the Arab Socialist Union in Alexandria. From left to right: President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Vice President Anwar Sadat, ASU head Ali Sabri, and Vice President Hussein el-Shafei President Nasser, Speaker Sadat with Umm Kulthum Bild im Om Kolthoum Museum mit Nasser und Sadat Boutros-Boutros Ghali (Erratum: Osama El-Baz) and Anwar Sadat at Camp David, 09/12/1978. keine Bildbeschreibung صورة للرئيس السابق أنور الساداتـ مدينة السادات، مصر People of Israel President Anwar Sadat of Egypt arrives in the United States for a visit. (Substandard image) (Released to Public) National Archive# NN33300514 2005-06-30 ID: tDF-SC-82-05419 Service Depicted: Other Service Location: ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MARYLAND (MD) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Egyptian president Anwar Sadat in the military uniform (1970 - 1981) Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : President Sadat van Egypte, kop Datum : 15 juni 1981 Locatie : Egypte Trefwoorden : presidenten Fotograaf : Archief Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaal Archief Materiaalsoort : Negatief (zwart/wit) Nummer archiefinventaris : bekijk toegang Bestanddeelnummer : 931-5437 Left to Right: Queen Farah Diba of Persia, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Persia (Iran). Tehran, 1975. Source: Kayhan International Weekly, No. 365, 26 April 1975. [Copyright Note: This photo for the first time was published in April 1975 in Kayhan International. According to Irans Law, such works copyright will be expired after 30 years (April 2005).] Queen Farida and Anwar Sadat 1980 When Sadat gave permission to the transfer of King Farouk corpse to be buried in the Royal tombs at Rifaee Mosque in Cairo The President of Israel Reuven Rivlin and his wife are hosting the Ambassador of Egypt to Israel at a festive occasion marking the 40th anniversary of Sadats visit. Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Photo Credit: Mark Neyman / GPO. The President of Israel Reuven Rivlin and his wife are hosting the Ambassador of Egypt to Israel at a festive occasion marking the 40th anniversary of Sadats visit. Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Photo Credit: Mark Neyman / GPO. The President of Israel Reuven Rivlin and his wife are hosting the Ambassador of Egypt to Israel at a festive occasion marking the 40th anniversary of Sadats visit. Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Photo Credit: Mark Neyman / GPO. The President of Israel Reuven Rivlin and his wife are hosting the Ambassador of Egypt to Israel at a festive occasion marking the 40th anniversary of Sadats visit. Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Photo Credit: Mark Neyman / GPO. The President of Israel Reuven Rivlin and his wife are hosting the Ambassador of Egypt to Israel at a festive occasion marking the 40th anniversary of Sadats visit. Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Photo Credit: Mark Neyman / GPO. The President of Israel Reuven Rivlin and his wife are hosting the Ambassador of Egypt to Israel at a festive occasion marking the 40th anniversary of Sadats visit. Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Photo Credit: Mark Neyman / GPO. The President of Israel Reuven Rivlin and his wife are hosting the Ambassador of Egypt to Israel at a festive occasion marking the 40th anniversary of Sadats visit. Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Photo Credit: Mark Neyman / GPO. The President of Israel Reuven Rivlin and his wife are hosting the Ambassador of Egypt to Israel at a festive occasion marking the 40th anniversary of Sadats visit. Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Photo Credit: Mark Neyman / GPO. Right to left-Sadat - Salal - Bidany - Kamal Rifaat Saad el-Shazly الصورة المزورة من حسني مبارك. لاحظ أنه في الصورة يظهر و هو فريق و ليس لواء حيث كان لواء سلاح الطيران في الحرب. لاحظ أيضا أنه ينظر في اتجاه مختلف عن باقي الحضور. Saad el-Shazly مناورة 23 يوليو 1971 مع الرئيس السادات و وزير الدفاع صادق Photograph of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat with Kamal Hassan Ali, both in military uniform. Library of Congress description: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat acknowledges applause during a Joint Session of Congress in which President Jimmy Carter announced the results of the Camp David Accords President Anwar Sadat of Egypt الرئيس المصري الأسبق أنور السادات Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1978 Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1978 الرئيس المصري الأسبق أنور السادات الرئيس المصري الأسبق أنور السادات Egypts President Anwar Sadat and Minister of War Ahmed Ismail in the re-opening of Suez Canal, June 5, 1975 Zur Erinnerung an Präsident Sadats Besuch in Israel, 19. Nov. 1977. Auflage 10000 Stück. VS: Köpfe A. Sadat und M. Begin, hebr. Datum und Bezeichnung, darunter Knesset. Auf Rand: hebr., arabisch und englisch - Jerusalem - Begin-Sadats Meeting. Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Zamaleks president Mohamed Hassan Helmy Playing Rawls in Zamalek club, 1979 President Anwar Sadat of Egypt receiving King Khalid of Saudi Arabia in Cairo Airport, 1975 Speaker of Egyptian Parliament Anwar Sadat and American President Lyndon B. Johnson at the White House, 1966 President Anwar Sadat of Egypt is welcomed by Secretary of State Cyrus Vance upon his arrival in the United States for a visit. Sadat at a military school graduation Anwar Sadat Sadat cadet from the Royal Military Academy in 1936 The house of late president Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat in Suez. (Author: Amr Fayez) (Source:Self-made) Sadats League of Arab and Islamic Peoples (1980-1983)White - Arab LeagueRed - formal members (Egypt and Sudan)Gold - informal observersHawk - States from which resistance groups established offices at Sadats League Anwar Sadat (left), Gamal Abdel Nasser (center) and Abdel Hakim Amer (right) at Burj al-Arab Sadats Liga der arabischen und islamischen Völker (1980-1983)Weiß und weiß umrandet - Arabische LigaRot - offizielle Mitglieder der Sadat-Liga (Ägypten und Sudan)Gold - inoffizielle Beobachter der Sadat-LigaFalke - Staaten, aus denen Widerstandsgruppen Büros bei der Sadat-Liga unterhielten President Anwar Sadat, shortly before he was assassinated in 1981, during one of several exclusive interviews with White House correspondent Trude B. Feldman, at Blair House, the presidential guest house across from the White House. When asked how he wanted to be remembered, he replied – as he leaned forward, puffing on his ever-present pipe: For my efforts to bring peace, and as one who lived for peace, and would die for peace. Nothing ranks higher, and I will go to lengths to achieve it. הנשיא סאדאת מבקר בישראל השטיח האדום בנמל חיפה Delegations attending the 1963 unity talks between Egypt, Syria and Iraq in Cairo. From left to right: Kamel el-Din Hussein of Egypt, N/A, Anwar Sadat of Egypt, Abdel Hakim Amer of Egypt, an Iraqi officer, Ziad al-Hariri of Syria, Nahid al-Qasim of Syria, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, and Ali Salih al-Saadi of Iraq “The Collar of St. Arsene” was presented as a State Gift from Egypt to First Lady Betty Ford. It is made of gold plated silver and cut glass dating back to the pre-Arabic Roman period. Gift of Madame Anwar El Sadat, October 27, 1975. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: President Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: President Saadat with PM Menahem Begin. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: President Anwar Saadat, PM Begin and dan Patir during the mutual press conference in Ismaeliya. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: President Anwar Saadat, PM Begin and dan Patir during the mutual press conference in Ismaeliya. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: President Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: President Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: Anwar Saadat. Visit to Egypt for the Peace talks.Photo shows: From Left: Menahem Begin, Husni Mubarak, Moshe Dayan ands Anwar Saadat. Vice President Walter Mondale (right) bids farewell to Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat (left) prior to his departure from a state visit to the US. Vice President Walter Mondale (left of center) escorts Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat (right) prior to Sadats departure from a state visit to the US. נשיא מצרים, אנואר סאדאת מגיע ללוד, נמל תעופה בן גוריון בביקור בישראל. דגלנים בטקס. ביקור הנשיא המצרי אנואר סאדאת בחיפה. הנשיא המצרי וראש ממשלת ישראל, מנחם בגין, בשולחן הכבוד נשיא מצרים , אנואר סאדאת, מגיע ללוד לנמל התעופה בן-גוריון בביקור בישראל, מסדר כבוד של פרחי טיס ודגלנים נחיתת הנשיא אנואר סאדאת בנמל התעופה בן גוריון. בתמונה: הנשיא סאדאת (במרכז) צועד על פני משמר כבוד ודגלני צהל. מאחורי סאדאת אוחז במצלמה, צלם לשכת העיתונות הממשלתית, משה מילנר. פדן עם אנואר סאדאת בביקור במצרים 1979 From right to left: Anwar Sadat, Secretary General of the Islamic World Conference and future President of Egypt; Lebanese parliamentarian Salah El-Bezri; Mohamed Ali Eltaher; Medhat Fatfat, Ambassador of Lebanon to Egypt; Emir Farid Chéhab, Director of Lebanese General Security; Younis Bahri, Iraqi journalist and founder of the Arabic program at Radio Berlin during World War II – Beirut 1955 الرئيس السادات يصافح الفريق سعد الدين الشاذلي الفريق الشاذلي مع الوزير أحمد إسماعيل والرئيس السادات free officers group 1952 Egyptian revolution جمهورية مصر العربية — قرار رئيس الجمهورية رقــم 777 لسنة 1974 بتعيين الدكتور محمد ناجى المحلاوى رئيسا لجامعة عين شمس — بتاريخ 30 / 5 / 1974 Fakten über Anwar as-Sadat Wodurch ist Anwar as-Sadat bekannt?
Anwar as-Sadat war ein 🙋♂️ ägyptischer Staatsmann u. Friedensnobelpreisträger
Wie hieß Anwar as-Sadat mit vollständigem Namen?
Anwar as-Sadat hieß gebürtig Muhammad Anwar as- Sadat.
Wie alt wurde Anwar as-Sadat?
Anwar as-Sadat erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 62 Jahren.
Wann hat Anwar as-Sadat Geburtstag?
Anwar as-Sadat wurde an einem Mittwoch am ⭐ 25. Dezember 1918 geboren.
Wo wurde Anwar as-Sadat geboren?
Anwar as-Sadat wurde in 🚩 Mit Abul-kum, Ägypten, geboren.
Wann starb Anwar as-Sadat?
Anwar as-Sadat ist am ✟ 6. Oktober 1981 in Kairo, Ägypten, gestorben.
In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Anwar as-Sadat geboren?
Anwar as-Sadat wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♑ Steinbock geboren. Nach der chinesischen Astrologie ist sein Tierkreiszeichen das Pferd 马 mit dem Element Erde ('Erde-Pferd').
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