Ben Turpin, geboren am 19. September 1869 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, und verstorben am 1. Juli 1940 in Santa Monica, Kalifornien, USA war ein US-amerikanischer Komiker, der hauptsächlich in der Stummfilmzeit aktiv war. Sein markantes Aussehen war geprägt durch sein stark schielendes rechtes Auge und einen buschigen Schnurrbart. Obwohl Turpin in Presseveröffentlichungen bis zu fünf Jahre „jünger gemacht“ wurde, war im US-Zensus (seit 1870) sein Geburtsjahr regelmäßig mit 1869 angegeben. Auf seinem künstlerischen Höhepunkt in den 1920er Jahren war er mit seinen über 50 Jahren weitaus älter als die anderen Starkomiker jener Zeit. Er wirkte in rund 240 Filmen mit.
Ben Turpin wurde in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, geboren.
Filme mit Ben Turpin
1909: Mr. Flip 1915: His New Job 1915: A Night Out 1915: The Champion 1916: Charlie Chaplins Carmen-Parodie 1917: A Clever Dummy 1917: Are Waitresses Safe? 1919: Yankee Doodle in Berlin (Langfilm) 1920: Down on the Farm (Langfilm) 1921: A Small Town Idol (Langfilm) 1922: Bright Eyes 1923: The Shriek of Araby (Langfilm) 1923: The Daredevil 1924: Ten Dollars or Ten Days 1924: Yukon Jake
Alle Filme anzeigen
1926: A Prodigal Bridegroom 1926: A Harem Knight 1927: The Pride of Pikeville 1928: The Eyes Have It 1928: The Cockeyed Family 1929: The Cock-Eyed Hero 1929: Liebesparade 1929: The Show of Shows 1931: Cracked Nuts 1931: Die Braut wird geklaut (Kurzfilm) 1932: Lighthouse Love (Kurzfilm) 1932: Make Me a Star 1932: Beine sind Gold wert 1935: Keystone Hotel (Kurzfilm) 1939: Damals in Hollywood 1940: Auf hoher See
Advertisement for the American comedy film Down on the Farm (1920) with Ben Turpin, Louise Fazenda, Harry Gribbon, Marie Prevost, and Teddy the Dog, on page 15 of the April 10, 1920 Exhibitors Herald.
Advertisement for the American comedy short film Love and Doughnuts (1921) with Ben Turpin and Phyllis Haver, on the cover of the November 5, 1921 Exhibitors Herald.
Still from an advertisement for the American comedy short film Love and Doughnuts (1921) with Ben Turpin, on page 28 of the November 12, 1921 Exhibitors Herald.
Bildquelle: Love's_Outcast_(1921)_-_1.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Mack Sennett Comedies / Associated First National Pictures Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Advertisement for the American comedy short film Loves Outcast (1921) with Ben Turpin, on page 22 of the June 4, 1921 Exhibitors Herald.
A scene from the American comedy film Married Life (1920). Includes Chester Conklin, Hank Mann, Ben Turpin, and Phyllis Haver. Subjects: motion pictures, actors, actresses
The lobby of the Allen Theater in St. Catherine, Ontario, decorated for the showing of the American comedy film Married Life (1920) with Phyllis Haver and Ben Turpin, on page 50 of the February 12, 1921 Exhibitors Herald.
The Bleich Theater in Owensboro, Kentucky, with a two day showing of the American comedy film Married Life (1920) with Phyllis Haver and Ben Turpin, on page 49 of the March 12, 1921 Exhibitors Herald.
The American comedy film Married Life (1920) with Ben Turpin being shown at the Victory Theater in Los Angeles, California, on page 81 of the September 4, 1920 Exhibitors Herald.
Advertisement for the American comedy short film The Reel Virginian (1924) with Ben Turpin, from the advertising cover section of the November 2, 1924 Film Daily.
Advertisement for the American comedy film The Shriek of Araby (1923) with Ben Turpin and Kathryn McGuire, on pages 4 and 5 of the February 19, 1923 Film Daily.
Bildquelle: A_Small_Town_Idol_(1921)_-_10.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Mack Sennett Comedies / Associated First National Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Advertisement for the American comedy film A Small Town Idol with Ben Turpin and Marie Prevost, from the insert after page 10 of the January 1, 1921 Exhibitors Herald.
Bildquelle: A_Small_Town_Idol_(1921)_-_13.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Associated First National / Mon Randall (artist) Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Advertisement for the American comedy film A Small Town Idol with likenesses of Ben Turpin and Phyllis Haver, from the insert after page 18 of the March 5, 1921 Exhibitors Herald.
Still from the American comedy film A Small Town Idol with Phyllis Haver, Ben Turpin, and Dot Farley, on page 46 of the March 12, 1921 Exhibitors Herald.
Advertisement with Vera Reynolds in the film Steel Preferred (1925).
Bildquelle: Step_Forward_(1922)_-_1.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Mack Sennett Comedies / Associated First National Pictures Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Still from the American comedy short film Step Forward (1922) with Ben Turpin, John J. Richardson (1888 – 1942), and Phyllis Haver, on page 76 of the March 18, 1922 Exhibitors Herald.
Bildquelle: Step_Forward_(1922)_-_2.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Mack Sennett Comedies / Associated First National Pictures Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Advertisement for the American comedy short film Step Forward (1922) with Ben Turpin, on page 30 of the May 20, 1922 Exhibitors Herald.
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