William Frederick Cody, genannt Buffalo Bill, geboren am 26. Februar 1846 in LeClair, Iowa, USA, und verstorben am 10. Januar 1917 in Denver, Colorado, USA, war ein berühmter US-amerikanischer Bisonjäger und einer der Begründer des modernen Showbusiness.
Buffalo Bill and Chief Iron Tail in Du Bois, PA at the home of M.I. McCreight, June 22, 1908. Other information Buffalo Bill and Chief Iron Tail in Du Bois, PA at the home of M.I. McCreight, June 22, 1908.
Buffalo Bill and Chief Iron Tail in Du Bois, PA at the home of M.I. McCreight, June 22, 1908. Other information Buffalo Bill and Chief Iron Tail in Du Bois, PA at the home of M.I. McCreight, June 22, 1908.
Black-and white photographic print showing a seated Cody in a suit and tie surrounded by his four sisters. All are wearing black or dark-colored clothing. From the style of the womens dresses, it appears this photo was taken in the 1890s. It was certainly captured before 1902, when Eliza Cody Myers died. The woman in the top left corner is Mary May Cody Decker.
Museum features artifact and memorabilia of Buffalo Bill Cody, Mississippi River boat history, and the location of the Lone Star -a wooden hull paddlewheel boat.
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