C. S. Lewis war ein irischer Schriftsteller und Literaturwissenschaftler. Er lehrte am Magdalen College der University of Oxford und hatte den Lehrstuhl für Englische Literatur des Mittelalters und der Renaissance an der University of Cambridge inne. Vor allem im angloamerikanischen Raum ist er bekannt für seine inzwischen auch verfilmte Kinderbuchserie Die Chroniken von Narnia. Er ist einer der einflussreichsten christlichen Apologeten der Neuzeit.
Este es un esquema de la política en el planeta de C. S. Lewis, Malacandra.
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Bildquelle: FieldofArbol.png Autor: Wikipedia / Slnecna_sustavaSK.png: Original uploader was Maros at sk.wikipedia Later version(s) were uploaded by Palsoft at sk.wikipedia. derivative work: Vultur (talk) Lizenz: gemeinfrei
The solar system with names from C. S. Lewis Space Trilogy. Original source: NASA, http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/index.cfm
Churchyard of the Church of England parish church of the Holy Trinity, Headington Quarry, Oxford. The grave of C.S. Lewis the slab on the left with a spray of flowers on it.
Manifestation « Grève du climat », à Genève, le vendredi 22 octobre 2021. Quai Wilson puis avenue de France. « You cant go back (...) » : texte attribué à C. S. Lewis.
Stone plaque marking the former residence of Joy Davidman, a writer notable for being the wife of author C.S.Lewis. The plaque is located on a house close to the southern end of Old High Street, Headington, Oxford, England.
Photograph of the former residence of Joy Davidman, a writer notable for being the wife of author C.S.Lewis. A plaque marking her memory is located on a house (center of image) close to the southern end of Old High Street, Headington, Oxford, England.
The undergraduates of University College, Trinity Term 1917. C. S. Lewis is standing on the right-hand side of the back row. The college don in the centre of the photograph is John Behan, Stowell Law Fellow from 1909–1918, whose contract of employment was “continued for the emergency period.”
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