Chuck Norris, geboren am 10. März 1940 in Ryan, Oklahoma, USA ist ein US-amerikanischer Kampfkünstler, Action-Schauspieler und Buchautor.
Größere Berühmtheit erlangte er als Filmgegner von Bruce Lee in Die Todeskralle schlägt wieder zu (1972) sowie durch die dreiteilige Kinofilmreihe Missing in Action (1984–1988) und die Fernsehserie Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001), als deren ausführender Produzent er auch agierte. Nachdem er seit 2004 nicht mehr im Kino zu sehen war, feierte er 2012 im Film The Expendables 2 ein Comeback.
Seit 2005 sind die Chuck Norris Facts als Internetmeme im Umlauf, die auf seine martialischen Filmrollen und seine Kampfkünste humoristisch anspielen.
Chuck Norris wurde in Ryan, Oklahoma, USA, geboren.
Bilder zum Thema Chuck Norris
Bildquelle: 050624-N-5248R-002.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / U.S. Navy photo by Photographers Mate Airman Sheldon Rowley Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Actor and President of Topkick Productions, Chuck Norris, talks with USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) Commanding Officer, Captain J.R Haley, on the bridge of the ship during a recent visit. Roosevelt is underway in the Atlantic Ocean conducting Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX).
Fotomontaggio con alcuni attori dazione della vecchia scuola: Sylvester Stallone - Arnold Schwarzenegger - Bruce Willis - Chuck Norris - Jean-Claude Van Damme - Jackie Chan - Steven Seagal - Dolph Lundgren
Bildquelle: Brit_Hume_and_Chuck_Norris.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Credit: George Bush Presidential Library Foundation; Chandler Arden, Photographer Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Brit Hume and Chuck Norris pose in the George Bush Presidential Library Classroom in College Station, Texas, at President Bushs 80th birthday celebration.
Chuck Norris, right, and his wife, Gena, pose with Chaplain Lt. Col. Kenneth R. Sorenson, left, Division West command chaplain, and his wife, Patrice, after the Texas State Prayer Breakfast in Austin, Texas, Monday. Norris was the guest speaker for the day’s event.
Bildquelle: Chuck_Norris_(cropped).jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Credit: George Bush Presidential Library Foundation; Chandler Arden, Photographer Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Brit Hume and Chuck Norris pose in the George Bush Presidential Library Classroom in College Station, Texas, at President Bushs 80th birthday celebration.
Martial arts expert and action film star, nacido en monterrey hijo de vicente Chuck Norris signs a T-shirt for Corporal William P. Kessler, 23 of Cedar Park, Texas. Kessler, a reconnaissance Marine with Company A, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion from Okinawa, Japan. Norris and fellow actor Marshall Teague toured camps throughout Al Anbar Province and Kuwait as a part of their United Service Organization sponsored trip. The action stars hoped to raise the morale of the troops, give inspirational speeches, and provide a handshake with a smile. They made Camp Fallujah their ninth stop of eleven, finishing up their tour with stops in Camps Ramadi and Taqaddum to visit the troops there. “I came here to see the morale of the troops and to give them a morale boost,” said Norris. “If it helps them in any way positively, I’m elated.”
Bildquelle: Chuck_Norris_2007_(cropped).jpg Autor: Wikipedia / U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt. Tia Schroeder Lizenz: gemeinfrei
SOUTHWEST Asia -- Security Forces Airmen with the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing, pose for a photograph with Walker, Texas Ranger star, Chuck Norris who is currently visiting troops in Southwest Asia. Before becoming a celebrity, Mr. Norris was a Security Forces member in the United States Air Force. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt. Tia Schroeder)
ctor Chuck Norris visits staff members and patients during his Sept. 19, 2007, visit to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany. LRMC is the largest American hospital outside the United States, serving more than 245,000 U.S. military personnel and their families within the European Command. LRMC is also the evacuation and treatment center for all injured U.S. servicemembers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. (U.S. Army Photo/Chuck Roberts)
Actor Chuck Norris meets Romanian patient Lt. Col. Dorin Petrut during his Sept. 19, 2007, visit to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany. LRMC is the largest American hospital outside the United States, serving more than 245,000 U.S. military personnel and their families within the European Command. LRMC is also the evacuation and treatment center for all injured U.S. servicemembers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. (U.S. Army Photo/Chuck Roberts)
Commandant of the Marine Corps General James T. Conway presents Chuck Norris with a citation on March 28, 2007. naming Norris an honorary U.S. Marine.
Bildquelle: Chuck_Norris_in_Iraq_in_2006.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Department of Defense photo by Sergeant Alicia J. Brito, U.S. Marine Corps. Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Actor Chuck Norris places corporal chevrons on U.S. Marine Corps Corporal John Wright during a promotion ceremony at Camp Taqaddum in the Al Anbar province of Iraq November 2, 2006. Norris is in Iraq on a United Service Organizations (USO) tour. Wright is an intelligence analyst with 1st Marine Logistics Group (Forward), which is deployed with I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Bildquelle: Chuck_Norris_Iraq.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Spc. Wesley Landrum, 50th Public Affairs Detachment Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Celebrity Chuck Norris holds an M-16 rifle while posing for photographs with service members at Camp Arifjan, September 13, Norris, an honorary Marine, visited service members in the Third Army/U.S. Army Central area of responsiblity.
Martial arts expert and action film star, Chuck Norris signs a T-shirt for Corporal William P. Kessler, 23 of Cedar Park, Texas. Kessler, a reconnaissance Marine with Company A, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion from Okinawa, Japan. Norris and fellow actor Marshall Teague toured camps throughout Al Anbar Province and Kuwait as a part of their United Service Organization sponsored trip. The action stars hoped to raise the morale of the troops, give inspirational speeches, and provide a handshake with a smile. They made Camp Fallujah their ninth stop of eleven, finishing up their tour with stops in Camps Ramadi and Taqaddum to visit the troops there. “I came here to see the morale of the troops and to give them a morale boost,” said Norris. “If it helps them in any way positively, I’m elated.”
President Reagan,Nancy Reagan,Barbara Goebler,George Goebler,Ira Riklis,Diane Riklis,James Johnston,Margaret Johnson,Paul Fireman,Phyllis Fireman,Ronald Wiese,Deborah Wiese,Robert Daniel,Barbara Daniel,William McSweeny, and Dorthoy McSweeny (2-17) Annual White House tennis tournament to benefit the Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Fund President Ronald Reagan,Nancy Reagan,Jackson Stephens,Mary Anne Stephens,Chuck Norris,Dianne Norris,Mary Murray,John Murray,Mary Lou Retton,John Traetta,Mary Joan Harlan,Stephen Harlan,Martha Cathcart, and Henry Levine (18-36) Annual White House tennis tournament to benefit the Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Fund
President Reagan,Nancy Reagan,Barbara Goebler,George Goebler,Ira Riklis,Diane Riklis,James Johnston,Margaret Johnson,Paul Fireman,Phyllis Fireman,Ronald Wiese,Deborah Wiese,Robert Daniel,Barbara Daniel,William McSweeny, and Dorthoy McSweeny (2-17) Annual White House tennis tournament to benefit the Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Fund President Ronald Reagan,Nancy Reagan,Jackson Stephens,Mary Anne Stephens,Chuck Norris,Dianne Norris,Mary Murray,John Murray,Mary Lou Retton,John Traetta,Mary Joan Harlan,Stephen Harlan,Martha Cathcart, and Henry Levine (18-36) Annual White House tennis tournament to benefit the Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Fund
James Baker, Chuck Norris, Mr. T, Richard Helms, Mary Lou Retton, Glenn Brenner, and Veronica Hamel (Not in all Photos) (1-35) Annual White House tennis tournament to benefit the Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Fund
Tom Selleck speaking at a microphone (3-6A) Annual White House tennis tournament to benefit the Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Fund Maureen Reagan, Dennis Revell, Chuck Norris, John Herrington, Mr. T, Bernie Kopell, Vijay Amitraj, Stephanie Zimbalist, Dorothy Hamill, and Kathleen Sullivan (Not in all Photos) (7-35A) Annual White House tennis tournament to benefit the Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Fund
President Ronald Reagan, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Mubarak, Sheila Tate, Joseph Canzeri, Chuck Norris, Mickey Rooney, Larry Gatlin, Janice Gatlin, Bubba Smith, and Maureen Reagan (Not in all photos) (2-34) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Receiving Line
President Ronald Reagan, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Mubarak, Chuck Norris, Trude Feldman, and Helen Thomas (Not in all photos) (2-25) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Dinner Patti Austin and David Benoit (26-30) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Entertainment
President Ronald Reagan, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Mubarak, Chuck Norris, Mickey Rooney, Larry Gatlin, Bubba Smith, Maureen Reagan, and Ken Duberstein (Not in all photos) (0-22) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Receiving Line President Ronald Reagan and Mrs. Mubarak (23-36) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Dinner
President Ronald Reagan, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Mubarak, Chuck Norris, Trude Feldman, and Helen Thomas (Not in all photos) (1-25) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Dinner President Ronald Reagan, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Mubarak, Patti Austin, George H. W. Bush, Helena Shultz, George Shultz, and David Benoit (Not in all photos) (26-32) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Entertainment
President Ronald Reagan, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Mubarak, Chuck Norris, Trude Feldman, and Helen Thomas (Not in all photos) (1-25) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Dinner President Ronald Reagan, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Mubarak, Patti Austin, George H. W. Bush, Helena Shultz, George Shultz, and David Benoit (Not in all photos) (26-32) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Entertainment
President Ronald Reagan, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Mubarak, Chuck Norris, and George Shultz (Not in all photos) (1-19) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Dinner
Chuck Norris, James Miller, John Herrington, Brad Gilbert, and Tracy Scoggins (Not in all Photos) (1-35A) Tennis tournament benefit for the Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Fund sponsored by Community Foundation of Greater Washington
President Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Larry Gatlin, Janis Gatlin, R. Falk, Era Lee, Steve Garvey, R. Mendenhall, Wachtmeister, McSweeny, Ulrich, Stinchcomb, Emery, D. Ralston, Brad Gilbert, K. Mater, Chuck Norris, and Catherine Oxenberg (Not in all Photos) (1A-35) Reception after tennis tournament benefit for the Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Fund sponsored by Community Foundation of Greater Washington
Chuck Norris, Johnny Grant, Merv Griffin, Rosie Grier, and Charlton Heston, (Not in all Photos) (3A-7A) Trip to California, signing ceremony for Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988 HR 4262 Rosie Grier, Lew Wasserman, AC Lyles, Chuck Norris, Charlton Heston, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Connors, Robert Stack, Andy Williams, Merv Griffin, Jaclyn Smith, Scott Baio, Buddy Ebsen, Donald OConnor, and Johnny Grant, (Not in all Photos) (8A-11A) Trip to California, signing ceremony for Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988 HR 4262
President Ronald Reagan, Rosie Grier, Lew Wasserman, AC Lyles, Chuck Norris, Charlton Heston, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Connors, Robert Stack, Andy Williams, Merv Griffin, Jaclyn Smith, Scott Baio, Buddy Ebsen, Donald OConnor, and Grant, (Not in all Photos) (3-15) Trip to California, signing ceremony for Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988 HR 4262 Camera Malfunction (out of focus) (16) Trip to California, signing ceremony for Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988 HR 4262 Buddy Ebsen, AC Lyles, Chuck Norris, and Jack Valenti, (Not in all Photos) (17-20) Trip to California, signing ceremony for Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988 HR 4262
SOUTHWEST ASIA -- Actor Chuck Norris poses with members of the 386th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Oct. 29, 2006. Norris, who was accompanied by actor Marshall Teague, met with service members and signed autographs. An Air Force veteran, Norris is known around the world for his starring role on the TV hit Walker, Texas Ranger. He also has starred in more than 20 motion pictures, including Delta Force,Missing in Action and Sidekicks. The actor is also an accomplished author and renowned teacher of martial arts. (AF photo/ Staff Sgt. Ian Carrier)
SOUTHWEST ASIA -- Film and television star Chuck Norris visited the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing Sunday, Oct. 29, 2006. Norris, who was accompanied by actor Marshall Teague, met with service members and signed autographs. An Air Force veteran, Norris is known around the world for his starring role on the TV hit Walker, Texas Ranger. He also has starred in more than 20 motion pictures, including Delta Force, Missing in Action and Sidekicks. The actor is also an accomplished author and renowned teacher of martial arts. (AF photo/ Staff Sgt. Ian Carrier)
SOUTHWEST Asia -- Capt Carla Stephany-Cox with the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing, gets an autograph signed by Walker, Texas Ranger star, Chuck Norris who is currently visiting troops in Southwest Asia. Capt. Stephany-Cox is deployed from Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt. Tia Schroeder)
SOUTHWEST Asia -- Security Forces Airmen with the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing, pose for a photograph with Walker, Texas Ranger star, Chuck Norris who is currently visiting troops in Southwest Asia. Before becoming a celebrity, Mr. Norris was a Security Forces member in the United States Air Force. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt. Tia Schroeder)
SOUTHWEST Asia -- Airmen with the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing, pose for a photograph with Walker, Texas Ranger star, Chuck Norris who is currently visiting troops in Southwest Asia. Before becoming a celebrity, Mr. Norris was a Security Forces member in the United States Air Force. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt. Tia Schroeder)
USAF C-130H3, s/n 92-0552, 50th Airlift Squadron (Red Devils) based at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas, at McCarran International Airport (LAS/KLAS), Las Vegas, Nevada. Chuck Norris stencil art on prop of #4 engine.
Chuck Norris, a career martial artist and actor, shakes hands with Gunnery Sgt. John C. Pollack, intelligence chief for Headquarters Company, 1st Marine Logistics Group (Forward). Following the meet-and-greet, Norris and fellow screen actor Marshall Teague joined a military formation of 20 service members to promote three of the Marine Corps� newest corporals. Gen. Robert Magnus, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, then took time to speak to the Marines on how their efforts in Iraq are helping the general population. Pollack is a 34-year-old from San Diego.
Bildquelle: USMC-11281.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Photo by Cpl. Lynn Murillo Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Martial arts expert and action film star, Chuck Norris talked to Maj. General Richard Zilmer, commanding general Multi-National Force-West, when he visited Camp Fallujah November 1. Norris and fellow actor Marshall Teague toured camps throughout Al Anbar province and Kuwait as a part of their United Service Organization sponsored trip. The action stars hoped to raise the morale of the troops, give inspirational speeches, and provide a handshake with a smile. They made Camp Fallujah their ninth stop of 11, finishing up their tour with stops in Camps Ramadi and Taqaddum to visit the troops there. âœI came here to see the morale of the troops and to give them a morale boost,†said Norris. “If it helps them in any way positively, I’m elated.†Photo by Cpl. Lynn Murillo
Bildquelle: USMC-11501_(cropped).jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Photo by Cpl. Lynn Murillo Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Martial arts expert and action film star, Chuck Norris signs a T-shirt for Cpl. William P. Kessler, 23 of Cedar Park, TX. Kessler, a reconnaissance Marine with Company A, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion from Okinawa, Japan. Norris and fellow actor Marshall Teague toured camps throughout Al Anbar province and Kuwait as a part of their United Service Organization sponsored trip. The action stars hoped to raise the morale of the troops, give inspirational speeches, and provide a handshake with a smile. They made Camp Fallujah their ninth stop of 11, finishing up their tour with stops in Camps Ramadi and Taqaddum to visit the troops there. âœI came here to see the morale of the troops and to give them a morale boost,†said Norris. “If it helps them in any way positively, I’m elated.†Photo by Cpl. Lynn Murillo
Bildquelle: USMC-11501.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Photo by Cpl. Lynn Murillo Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Martial arts expert and action film star, Chuck Norris signs a T-shirt for Cpl. William P. Kessler, 23 of Cedar Park, TX. Kessler, a reconnaissance Marine with Company A, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion from Okinawa, Japan. Norris and fellow actor Marshall Teague toured camps throughout Al Anbar province and Kuwait as a part of their United Service Organization sponsored trip. The action stars hoped to raise the morale of the troops, give inspirational speeches, and provide a handshake with a smile. They made Camp Fallujah their ninth stop of 11, finishing up their tour with stops in Camps Ramadi and Taqaddum to visit the troops there. âœI came here to see the morale of the troops and to give them a morale boost,†said Norris. “If it helps them in any way positively, I’m elated.†Photo by Cpl. Lynn Murillo
AL ASAD, Iraq - Chuck Norris, actor and martial arts star, shakes the hands of Marines after posing for a photo with them at a meet and greet at the Al Asad Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Center, Sept. 15. Norris made it a point to shake the hand of every service member he met.
AL ASAD, Iraq - Actor and martial arts star Chuck Norris speaks to Al Asad service members during his meet and greet, Sept. 15. The event at Al Asad was one stop on Norris tour of various bases in the Middle East to show his support for service members.
Chuck Norris ist ein 🙋♂️ US-amerikanischer Schauspieler und Kampfsportler
Wie alt ist Chuck Norris?
Chuck Norris ist ⌛ 84 Jahre alt. Bis zu seinem nächsten Geburtstag am 10. März 2025 sind es noch 3 Tage.
Wann hat Chuck Norris Geburtstag?
Chuck Norris wurde an einem Sonntag am ⭐ 10. März 1940 geboren. Sein nächster Geburtstag fällt auf einen Montag.
Wo wurde Chuck Norris geboren?
Chuck Norris wurde in 🚩 Ryan, Oklahoma, USA, geboren.
In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Chuck Norris geboren?
Chuck Norris wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♓ Fische geboren. Nach der chinesischen Astrologie ist sein Tierkreiszeichen der Drache 龙 mit dem Element Metall ('Metall-Drache').
Wie groß ist Chuck Norris?
Chuck Norris hat eine Größe von ca. 📏 1,78 m. Damit ist er kleiner als die meisten deutschen Männer. Laut Statistik von 2021 beträgt die durchschnittliche Körpergröße eines Mannes in Deutschland 1,79 m.
Diese Seite wird auch unter folgenden Suchbegriffen gefunden: Alter Chuck Norris | Chuck Norris Steckbrief | Chuck Norris Größe | Chuck Norris Geburtstag | Chuck Norris geboren | Chuck Norris Geburtsort | Chuck Norris Alter | Chuck Norris Geburtsdatum | Chuck Norris Sternzeichen | In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Chuck Norris geboren | Wo wurde Chuck Norris geboren | Alter von Chuck Norris Du befindest dich auf der Seite Chuck Norris Einige Textpassagen dieser Seite stammen aus dem Wikipedia-Artikel Chuck Norris, Lizenz: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Autor/en: Liste.