Zu Lebzeiten verkannt, gilt F. Scott Fitzgerald heute als ein Hauptvertreter der Prosa der amerikanischen Moderne. Sein erfolgreichstes Werk war der 1925 veröffentlichte Roman "The Great Gatsby", der mehrfach verfilmt wurde.
So regen wir die Ruder, stemmen uns gegen den Strom - und treiben doch stetig zurück, dem Vergangenen zu.
Letzter Satz des Romans The Great Gatsby (1925), Inschrift auf dem Grab Fitzgeralds, deutsch von Walter Schürenberg. Blanvalet, Berlin 1953F. Scott Fitzgerald wurde in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, geboren.
Bilder zum Thema F. Scott Fitzgerald
Bildquelle: F._Scott_Fitzgerald_-_World_War_I_Uniform_-_1917.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Anonymous photographer. Fitzgerald commissioned this photograph of himself in 1917 and, consequently, the copyright likely belonged either to him or the anonymous photographer. Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Photograph of American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald wearing his World War I-era U.S. Army uniform circa November 1917. After being romantically spurned by Chicago socialite Ginevra King due to his lack of financial prospects, a suicidal Fitzgerald dropped out of Princeton University and announced that he wanted to die. Wishing to fulfill a self-constructed narrative of a promising young writer whose life was cut short by his death in the Great War, Fitzgerald enlisted in the U.S. Army and was commissioned as a second lieutenant. He purchased a uniform tailored by Brooks Brothers and had stoic pictures of himself wearing the uniform sent to King and publications such as Prince, a Princeton periodical. However, Fitzgerald did not obtain his desired opportunity to perish in the trenches after Ginevra Kings rejection. Instead, while stationed in the American South, Fitzgerald wore his tailored Brooks Brothers uniform to a soirée in Montgomery, Alabama, where he encountered Zelda Sayre, a Southern belle who reminded him of Ginevra. Zelda later recalled that—upon meeting the uniformed Fitzgerald—he smelled like new goods. Although Fitzgerald was sexually attracted to Zelda, he continued writing Ginevra and asking in vain if there was any chance of resuming their former relationship. Upon learning that Kings father had arranged her marriage to polo player William Bill Mitchell, a heartbroken Fitzgerald professed his affection for Zelda which led to their marriage.
A black-and-white photographic portrait of Jazz Age writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. Courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society. This photo appeared on the rear of the original dust jacket of Fitzgeralds second novel, The Beautiful and Damned, which was published in March 1922 by Charles Scribners Sons. As this photo was published in 1922 and the copyright for all media items published in that year has expired, this photo is in the public domain.
A publicity photograph of writer F. Scott Fitzgerald published in hundreds of U.S. newspapers during the early 1920s to promote his novel This Side of Paradise. This photo was published in The New York Herald, The Courier-Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Knoxville News-Sentinel, The Honolulu Advertiser, The Chicago Tribune, The Evening World, The Chicago Daily News, and many other newspapers prior to 1925. For this reason, the photo is verifiably in the public domain.
Bildquelle: F_Scott_Fitzgerald_1921.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Photographer unknown. The publicity photo was distributed by Fitzgeralds publisher, Scribners (source: Curtis, William (April 15, 1922). Some Recent Books. Town & Country, Vol. LXXIX, pp. 62, 76; see photo caption). Lizenz: gemeinfrei
A publicity photograph of writer F. Scott Fitzgerald circa 1921 published in The Worlds Work (June 1921 issue). As this photo was published in 1921 and the copyright for all media items published in that year has expired, this photo is in the public domain.
A publicity photograph of writer F. Scott Fitzgerald published in The Courier-Journal on Sunday, September 30, 1923. The photograph accompanied a printed interview with Fitzgerald entitled, What a Flapper Novelist Thinks of His Wife. The original photograph was captioned in the newspaper article as follows: Scott Fitzgerald, Creator of Modern Girl Types in Current Fiction, Interviews His Own Bride in the Intimacy of Their Happy Long Island Home.As this publicity photograph was published in 1923 by the Public Ledger Company and the copyright for all media items published in that year has expired, this photograph is in the public domain.
A photograph of American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald which appeared on page 67 in the August 1923 issue of Shadowland magazine. The picture was taken by photographer Royal Atelier and bore the caption: F. Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Vegetable. The image accompanied the article New Books in Brief Review.
A publicity photograph of writer F. Scott Fitzgerald published in The Brooklyn Daily Eagle on Sunday, March 9, 1924. The photograph accompanied journalist B.F. Wilsons printed interview with Fitzgerald entitled, Whats the Matter with Women? An Interview with F. Scott Fitzgerald. The interview concerned the ongoing societal phenomenon of young women becoming libertine flappers during the raucous Jazz Age. Flappers were typically young, modern women who bobbed their hair and wore short skirts. They also drank alcohol and had premarital sex.As this publicity photograph was published in Spring 1924 and the copyright for all media items published in that year has expired, this photograph is in the public domain. The original photograph was captioned in the newspaper article as follows: F. SCOTT FITZGERALD. Author of The Beautiful and Damned, This Side of Paradise, Tales of the Jazz Age.
F. Scott Fitzgerald war ein 🙋♂️ US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller
Wie alt wurde F. Scott Fitzgerald?
F. Scott Fitzgerald erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 44 Jahren.
Wann hat F. Scott Fitzgerald Geburtstag?
F. Scott Fitzgerald wurde an einem Donnerstag am ⭐ 24. September 1896 geboren.
Wo wurde F. Scott Fitzgerald geboren?
F. Scott Fitzgerald wurde in 🚩 St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, geboren.
Wann starb F. Scott Fitzgerald?
F. Scott Fitzgerald ist am ✟ 21. Dezember 1940 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA, gestorben.
Woran verstarb F. Scott Fitzgerald?
F. Scott Fitzgerald fing in seiner letzten Lebensphase an zu trinken, litt unter Depressionen. Nachdem er schon zwei Herzinfarkte erlitten hatte, starb er im Alter von nur 44 Jahren an einem dritten Herzanfall.
In welchem Sternzeichen wurde F. Scott Fitzgerald geboren?
F. Scott Fitzgerald wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♎ Waage geboren.
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