Golda Meir †

Steckbrief von Golda Meir

Name:Golda Meir
Beruf:israelische Politikerin und erste Ministerpräsidentin
Alter:80 Jahre
Geburtsdatum:3. Mai 1898
Geburtsort:Kiew, Ukraine
Todesdatum:8. Dezember 1978
Sterbeort:Jerusalem, Israel

Golda Meir , geboren am 3. Mai 1898 in Kiew, Ukraine, und verstorben am 8. Dezember 1978 in Jerusalem, Israel war eine israelische Politikerin der linkszionistischen Arbeiterpartei (Mapai/Awoda). Sie war von 1956 bis 1965 Außenministerin und vom 17. März 1969 bis 3. Juni 1974 Ministerpräsidentin Israels und somit einer der ersten weiblichen Regierungschefs der Welt.

Mehr über Golda Meir auf Wikipedia

Golda Meir wurde in Kiew, Ukraine, geboren.

Bilder zum Thema Golda Meir

Golda Meir Bild 1
Name: Kibbutz Tirat ZviDescription: Prime Minister Golda Meir visit
Golda Meir Bild 2
Name: Kibbutz Tirat ZviDescription: Prime Minister Golda Meir visit
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A Memorial for the Holocaust 6 million victims was held at Yad Vashem Museum.Photo shows: PM Golda meir addressing at the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem From left: President Zalman Shazar, Gideon Hauzner, Golda Meir and Chief Rabbi Issar Unterman.
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A Memorial for the Holocaust 6 million victims was held at Yad Vashem Museum.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir addressing at the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem.
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Logo/symbol utilized on campaign materials for the Alignment of Labor and Mapam during the 1977 Israeli election
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.

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Golda Meir Bild 7
Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
Golda Meir Bild 21
Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
Golda Meir Bild 22
Celebrating the Simchat Tora at an Army Camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Chaplain Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Torah at an army camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Military Rabbi Mordechai Piron and others.
Golda Meir Bild 24
Celebrating the Simchat Torah at an army camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Military Rabbi Mordechai Piron and others.
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Celebrating the Simchat Torah at an army camp with PM Golda Meir, Chief Military Rabbi Mordechai Piron and others.
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Golda Meir Bild 27
Elections in the Histadrut.Photo shows: Golda Meir former PM Shimon Peres Nava Arad Ester Herlitz.
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Elections in the Histadrut.
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Elections in the Histadrut.
Golda Meir Bild 30
Elections in the Histadrut.
Golda Meir Bild 31
End of a course in the Gadna youth corps.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir speaking with some of the Gadna pupils.
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End of a course in the Gadna youth corps.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir addressing.
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End of a course in the Gadna youth corps.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir speaking with some of the Gadna pupils.
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End of a course in the Gadna youth corps.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir speaking with some of the Gadna pupils.
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End of a course in the Gadna youth corps.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir speaking with some of the Gadna pupils.
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End of the school year.
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End of the school year.
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Former PM Golda Meir.
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Former PM Golda Meir.
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Former PM Golda Meir.
Golda Meir Bild 51
Former PM Golda Meir.
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Former PM Golda Meir.
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Former PM Golda Meir.
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Former PM Golda Meir.
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Former PM Golda Meir.
Golda Meir Bild 56
Former PM Golda Meir.
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Former PM Golda Meir.
Golda Meir Bild 58
Former PM Golda Meir.
Golda Meir Bild 59
Former PM Golda Meir.
Golda Meir Bild 60
Former PM Golda Meir.
Golda Meir Bild 61
Former PM Golda Meir.
Golda Meir Bild 62
Former PM Golda Meir.
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Golda Meir Bild 64
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Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir participating with the widow at Kadish Luz funeral.
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Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir passing the grave.
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Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
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Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 69
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 70
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 71
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 72
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 73
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 74
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 75
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
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Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 77
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 78
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 79
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 80
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 81
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
Golda Meir Bild 82
Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
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Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
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Funeral for the late Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz.
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Funeral of late Yosef Sapir.PM Golda Meir came to the mourning ceremony.
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Funeral of late Yosef Sapir.
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Funeral of late Yosef Sapir.
Golda Meir Bild 88
Funeral of late Yosef Sapir.
Golda Meir Bild 89
Funeral of late Yosef Sapir.
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Funeral of late Yosef Sapir.
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Funeral of late Yosef Sapir.
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Funeral of the late writer S.Y. Agnon, Nobel Prize laureate.Photo shows: The coffin of the late writer Shay Agnon.
Golda Meir Bild 93
Funeral of the late writer S.Y. Agnon, Nobel Prize laureate.
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Funeral of the late writer S.Y. Agnon, Nobel Prize laureate.
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Funeral of the victims of the Swissair disaster.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir participating the funeral.
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Funeral of the victims of the Swissair disaster.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir arriving to the Funeral of the victims of the Swissair disaster.
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German Chancellor Willy Brandt visiting Israel.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir addressing when Chancellor Willy Brandt leaves Israel.
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German Chancellor Willy Brandt visiting Israel.Photo shows: Chancellor Willy Brandt leaves Israel.
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German Chancellor Willy Brandt visiting Israel.Photo shows: Chancellor Willy Brandt visiting the Beit Berl education centre.
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Golda Meir Bild 101
Golda Meir, Mitglied der Knesset (1949-02-14 - 1974-06-10)
Golda Meir Bild 102
Golda Meir, Mitglied der Knesset (1949-02-14 - 1974-06-10)
Golda Meir Bild 103
Golda Meir, Mitglied der Knesset (1949-02-14 - 1974-06-10)
Golda Meir Bild 104
Golda Meirs Room, the Large Yard at Merhavia (Merhavia Courtyard)
Golda Meir Bild 105
Golda Meir speaking at a rally given by the Labour Party for the forthcoming Histadrut Elections.
Golda Meir Bild 106
Golda Meir speaking at a rally given by the Labour Party for the forthcoming Histadrut Elections.
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Golda Meir speaking at a rally given by the Labour Party for the forthcoming Histadrut Elections.
Golda Meir Bild 108
Golda Meir speaking at a rally given by the Labour Party for the forthcoming Histadrut Elections.
Golda Meir Bild 109
Golda Meir speaking at a rally given by the Labour Party for the forthcoming Histadrut Elections.
Golda Meir Bild 110
Golda Meir speaking at a rally given by the Labour Party for the forthcoming Histadrut Elections.
Golda Meir Bild 111
Golda Meir speaking at a rally given by the Labour Party for the forthcoming Histadrut Elections.
Golda Meir Bild 112
Golda Meir speaking at a rally given by the Labour Party for the forthcoming Histadrut Elections.
Golda Meir Bild 113
Golda Meir speaking at a rally given by the Labour Party for the forthcoming Histadrut Elections.
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Golda Meir speaking at a rally given by the Labour Party for the forthcoming Histadrut Elections.
Golda Meir Bild 115
The Third Annual Banquet of Kinneret Day School was held at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel on June 18, 1949. Golda Myerson, then the Secretary of Labor in the Israeli Government, gives an address at the banquet.
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keine Bildbeschreibung
Golda Meir Bild 117
Governor Nelson Rockefeller arrived in Israel.Photo shows: Nelson Rockefeller with PM Golda Meir.
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Governor Nelson Rockefeller arrived in Israel.
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Governor Nelson Rockefeller arrived in Israel.
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Governor Nelson Rockefeller arrived in Israel.
Golda Meir Bild 121
Governor Nelson Rockefeller arrived in Israel.
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Histadrut Elections.Photo shows: Golda Meir of the Labour Party waiting for the results of the Histadrut elections.
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Jimmy Carter, et al meet with Golda Meir
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Kurt Waldheim of the UN visiting Israel.Photo shows: Kurt Waldheim meeting with PM Golda Meir.
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Logo/symbol of the Alignment of the Israeli Labor Party and Mapam, utilized in the 1969 Israeli election cycle
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Logo of the First Alignment (1965-68) using the combination of א and ת, the election symbols of Mapai and Ahdut HaAvoda respectivily, who were member parties of the Alignment.
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משולם עם שרת העבודה הגב גולדה מאיר בביקור במחנה עולים
Golda Meir Bild 128
Opening ceremony of the Charles Clore Wing at Weizman Institute.
Golda Meir Bild 129
Opening ceremony of the Charles Clore Wing at Weizman Institute.
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Opening ceremony of the Charles Clore Wing at Weizman Institute.
Golda Meir Bild 131
Events in Israel
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People of Israel
Golda Meir Bild 133
kiryat gat, People of Israel
Golda Meir Bild 134
ביקור של גולדה מאיר ברחובות בהיותה שרת העבודה בפגישה עם ראשי חברת סולל בונה. יצחק כץ, שני משמאל, היה מנהל סולל בונה בדרום
Golda Meir Bild 135
פגישה בין יצחק כץ לגולדה מאיר בהיותה שרת העבודה בכנס מדעי ברחובות
Golda Meir Bild 136
43 Florentin street (corner of Herzl st), Tel-Aviv - ‘Har Roshmore’ is a play on words, referencing both Mount Rushmore and the Hebrew term for ‘head of state - artwork by Jayshells (Jason Shelowitz)
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People of Israel
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PM Golda Meir addressing the Knesset.
Golda Meir Bild 139
PM Golda Meir addressing the Knesset.
Golda Meir Bild 140
PM Golda Meir addressing the Knesset.
Golda Meir Bild 141
PM Golda Meir addressing the Knesset.
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PM Golda Meir on way to Denmark.
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PM Golda Meir on way to Denmark.
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PM Golda Meir on way to Denmark.
Golda Meir Bild 145
PM Golda Meir visited the Tel Aviv City Hall.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir speaking with Tel Aviv Mayor Yehoshua Rabinowicz.
Golda Meir Bild 146
President Ephraim Katzir receive PM Golda Meir and discussed the procedures relating to the new government.
Golda Meir Bild 147
President Ephraim Katzir receive PM Golda Meir and discussed the procedures relating to the new government.
Golda Meir Bild 148
President Ephraim Katzir receive PM Golda Meir and discussed the procedures relating to the new government.
Golda Meir Bild 149
President Ephraim Katzir receive PM Golda Meir and discussed the procedures relating to the new government.
Golda Meir Bild 150
President Ephraim Katzir receive PM Golda Meir and discussed the procedures relating to the new government.
Golda Meir Bild 151
President Ephraim Katzir receive PM Golda Meir and discussed the procedures relating to the new government.
Golda Meir Bild 152
President Ephraim Katzir receive PM Golda Meir and discussed the procedures relating to the new government.
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President Ephraim Katzir receive PM Golda Meir and discussed the procedures relating to the new government.
Golda Meir Bild 154
President Ephraim Katzir receive PM Golda Meir and discussed the procedures relating to the new government.
Golda Meir Bild 155
President Ephraim Katzir receive PM Golda Meir and discussed the procedures relating to the new government.
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President Ephraim Katzir receive PM Golda Meir and discussed the procedures relating to the new government.
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Prime Minister Golda Meir was a guest at an event of the Malben organization arranged for elderly people in Netanya.Photo shows: Golda meir addressing.
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Golda Meir Bild 160
דניאל רקנאטי עם גולדה מאיר
Golda Meir Bild 161
Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
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Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
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Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
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Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
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Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
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Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
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Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
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Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
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Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
Golda Meir Bild 170
Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
Golda Meir Bild 171
Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
Golda Meir Bild 172
Sir Alex Douglas Hume, met with PM Golda Meir in Jerusalem.
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The Bible Quiz in Jerusalem.
Golda Meir Bild 174
The Bible Quiz in Jerusalem.
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The garbage center for the Dan area at Hyrie.
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The garbage center for the Dan area at Hyrie.
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The garbage center for the Dan area at Hyrie.
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The garbage center for the Dan area at Hyrie.
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The IDF Disabled Veterans Organization held a party for Independence day for their members with entertainment.Photo shows: PM Golda Meir arriving to the party.
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The Knesset held a memorial on Holocaust Memorial Day and the national flag was lowered to half mast.Photo shows: Defence Minister Moshe Dayan with PM Golda Meir.
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The Knesset held a memorial on Holocaust Memorial Day and the national flag was lowered to half mast.Photo shows: Defence Minister Moshe Dayan with PM Golda Meir.
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The Knesset held a memorial on Holocaust Memorial Day and the national flag was lowered to half mast.Photo shows: Golda Meir laying a wreath on the Holocaust Memorial Day at Yad Vashem.
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The Knesset held a memorial on Holocaust Memorial Day and the national flag was lowered to half mast.Photo shows: Golda Meir laying a wreath on the Holocaust Memorial Day at Yad Vashem.
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The Knesset held a memorial on Holocaust Memorial Day and the national flag was lowered to half mast.Photo shows: Golda Meir laying a wreath on the Holocaust Memorial Day at Yad Vashem.

Verwandte Themen

Fakten über Golda Meir

  • Wodurch ist Golda Meir bekannt?

    Golda Meir war eine 🙋‍♀️ israelische Politikerin und erste Ministerpräsidentin

  • Wie alt wurde Golda Meir?

    Golda Meir erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 80 Jahren.

  • Wann hat Golda Meir Geburtstag?

    Golda Meir wurde an einem Dienstag am ⭐ 3. Mai 1898 geboren.

  • Wo wurde Golda Meir geboren?

    Golda Meir wurde in 🚩 Kiew, Ukraine, geboren.

  • Wann starb Golda Meir?

    Golda Meir ist am ✟ 8. Dezember 1978 in Jerusalem, Israel, gestorben.

  • In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Golda Meir geboren?

    Golda Meir wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♉ Stier geboren.

Mehr Geburtstage am 3. Mai

Mehr 80jährige Prominente

Mehr Politiker

Auch im Jahr 1978 verstorben

Diese Seite wird auch unter folgenden Suchbegriffen gefunden: Alter Golda Meir | Golda Meir Steckbrief | Golda Meir Größe | Golda Meir Geburtstag | Golda Meir geboren | Golda Meir Geburtsort | Golda Meir Alter | Golda Meir Geburtsdatum | Golda Meir Sternzeichen | In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Golda Meir geboren | Wo wurde Golda Meir geboren | Alter von Golda Meir
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Einige Textpassagen dieser Seite stammen aus dem Wikipedia-Artikel Golda Meir, Lizenz: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Autor/en: Liste.