Helen Amelia Thomas, geboren am 4. August 1920 in Winchester, Kentucky, USA, und verstorben am 20. Juli 2013 in Washington, D.C., USA war eine US-amerikanische Journalistin libanesischer Herkunft. Sie war das dienstälteste Mitglied des White House Press Corps, einer Gruppe von Korrespondenten, die regelmäßig von den Pressekonferenzen der US-Regierung im Weißen Haus berichten. Thomas hat die Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von John F. Kennedy bis Barack Obama begleitet und war das erste weibliche Mitglied der White House Correspondents’ Association. In ihren späten Jahren war sie eine Kritikerin der Irak-Politik von Präsident George W. Bush und fiel durch antizionistische Aussagen auf, worauf die Wayne State University die Vergabe des Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in Media Award einstellte.
Helen Thomas wurde in Winchester, Kentucky, USA, geboren.
Bilder zum Thema Helen Thomas
Bildquelle: President_Ronald_Reagan_in_the_East_Room.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Series: Reagan White House Photographs, 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989 Collection: White House Photographic Collection, 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989 Lizenz: gemeinfrei
President Ronald Reagan Helen Thomas Sam Donaldson Lesley Stahl Fred Barnes John Palmer Press Conference in East Room, 10/1/1981
Luncheon in honor of Chen Cheng, Vice President of the Republic of China. (L – R): Vice President Chen; President John F. Kennedy; Vice President Lyndon Johnson; Tan Xiang, wife of Vice President Chen; Secretary of State Dean Rusk; various reporters in the background, including White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI) Helen Thomas (far right). North Portico, White House, Washington, D.C. Physical Description:
President George W. Bush conveys birthday wishes to reporter Helen Thomas in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room during its last day of operation before it closes for renovations Wednesday, August 2, 2006. White House photo by Eric Draper
The photo contact sheet, identified as A9479 by the White House Photographic Office (WHPO), is housed at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, a branch of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). This file is a 200 dpi photo contact sheet having images from roll of film A9479 of the August 9, 1974 - January 20, 1977 Gerald R. Ford White House Photographic Office Series A0001-A9999 and B0001-B2886 photographs. The date on the photo contact sheet is the date the roll of film was processed, not necessarily the date the photographs were taken. See table below for additional details.
Library of Congress description: President Gerald Ford talks with reporters, including Helen Thomas, as White House Chief of Staff Richard Cheney looks on, during a press conference at the White House, Washington, D.C.
Library of Congress description: President Gerald Ford talks with reporters, including Helen Thomas, during a press conference at the White House, Washington, D.C
Bildquelle: Governors_Luncheon_at_the_White_House.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Abbie Rowe. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Luncheon at the White House for state governors. Front row (L-R): Governor of New Mexico, Jack M. Campbell; Governor of Maryland, J. Millard Tawes; Governor of Kentucky, Bert T. Combs. Back row (L-R): Secretary of Labor, W. Willard Wirtz; Governor of Pennsylvania, William W. Scranton; Governor of Virginia, Albertis S. Harrison, Jr.; Governor of Ohio, James A. Rhodes; Governor of Colorado, John A. Love; Governor of Oregon, Mark O. Hatfield. White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas, stands second from right in background. North Portico, White House, Washington, D.C.
The James Brady Press Briefing Room a half hour before the morning gaggle. In the front rank, Helen Thomas.
Bildquelle: JFKWHP-KN-C19232.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / White House Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Luncheon in honor of William V.S. Tubman, President of Liberia. President Tubman; President John F. Kennedy; various reporters and photographers in background, including White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas (third from right). North Portico, White House, Washington, D.C.
Bildquelle: JFKWHP-KN-C19233.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / White House Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Luncheon in honor of William V.S. Tubman, President of Liberia. President Tubman; President John F. Kennedy; various reporters and photographers in background, including White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas (third from right). North Portico, White House, Washington, D.C.
Bildquelle: JFKWHP-KN-C19234.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / White House Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Luncheon in honor of William V.S. Tubman, President of Liberia. President Tubman; President John F. Kennedy; various reporters and photographers in background, including White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas (third from right). North Portico, White House, Washington, D.C.
Bildquelle: JFKWHP-ST-282-1-62.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Abbie Rowe and Robert Knudsen. White House Photographers Lizenz: gemeinfrei
President John F. Kennedy and Prime Minister of Australia, Robert Gordon Menzies (center left), exit the White House following a luncheon in honor of Prime Minister Menzies. Also pictured: White House Secret Service agent, Jack Warner; Deputy Chief of Protocol, William J. Tonesk; White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas; and Ambassador of Australia, Sir Howard Beale. West Wing Entrance, White House, Washington, D.C.
Bildquelle: John_F._Kennedy_and_Helen_Thomas.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Robert Knudsen. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston Lizenz: gemeinfrei
President John F. Kennedy visits with White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas (far right). An unidentified woman (holding a camera) stands in center. Rose Garden, White House, Washington, D.C.
Luncheon in honor of Chen Cheng, Vice President of the Republic of China. (L – R): Vice President Chen; President John F. Kennedy; Vice President Lyndon Johnson; Tan Xiang, wife of Vice President Chen; Secretary of State Dean Rusk; various reporters in the background, including White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas (wearing yellow dress). North Portico, White House, Washington, D.C.
[President Gerald Ford talks with reporters, including Helen Thomas, as White House Chief of Staff Richard Cheney looks on, during a press conference at the White House, Washington, D.C.]
Bildquelle: thumbnail.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Bitte wähle einen anderen, besser beschreibenden Dateinamen.
Bildquelle: President_John_F._Kennedy_and_Carl_Sanders.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Abbie Rowe. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston Lizenz: gemeinfrei
President John F. Kennedy (in rocking chair) meets with Governor-elect of Georgia, Carl Sanders. Those standing in background include: Secretary to the Assistant Press Secretary, Barbara Gamarekian; Special Assistant to the President, Dave Powers; White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas. Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C.
President John F. Kennedy speaks with Minister of External Affairs of India, Lakshmi N. Menon (left foreground, back to camera), upon her departure from the White House; President Kennedy met with President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Minister Menon, and other Indian officials. White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas, stands at far right; others are unidentified. West Wing Entrance, White House, Washington, D.C.
President John F. Kennedy meets with Prime Minister Abubakar Tafawa Balewa of Nigeria. Prime Minister Balewa; President Kennedy; various reporters in background, including White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI) Helen Thomas (second row, second from left). West Wing Entrance, White House, Washington, D.C.
President John F. Kennedy meets with President Mohammad Ayub Khan of Pakistan. President Kennedy; President Mohammad Ayub Khan. Photographers and reporters in background, including White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas (behind and right of President Ayub Khan). West Wing Entrance, White House, Washington, D.C.
President John F. Kennedy telephones greetings to former President Harry S. Truman on the occasion of his 79th birthday. Those observing include: White House Communications Agency officer, Jack Rubley; Presidential Assistant, Dave Powers; White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas. Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C. [Black spotting in top half of image is original to the negative.]
Bildquelle: President_John_F._Kennedy_with_Carl_Sanders.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Abbie Rowe. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston Lizenz: gemeinfrei
President John F. Kennedy (in rocking chair) meets with Governor-elect of Georgia, Carl Sanders. Those standing in background include: Secretary to the Assistant Press Secretary, Barbara Gamarekian; Special Assistant to the President, Dave Powers; White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas. Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C.
President Ronald Reagan, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Mubarak, Chuck Norris, Trude Feldman, and Helen Thomas (Not in all photos) (2-25) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Dinner Patti Austin and David Benoit (26-30) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Entertainment
President Ronald Reagan, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Mubarak, Chuck Norris, Trude Feldman, and Helen Thomas (Not in all photos) (1-25) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Dinner President Ronald Reagan, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Mubarak, Patti Austin, George H. W. Bush, Helena Shultz, George Shultz, and David Benoit (Not in all photos) (26-32) State Visit of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Entertainment
Larry Speakes, Rudolph Giuliani, David Gergen, and Ed Meese, (Not in all Photos) (5A-6A) Meeting for a briefing on the omnibus crime bill President Ronald Reagan and Rudolph Giuliani (7) Meeting for a briefing on the omnibus crime bill President Ronald Reagan, David Gergen, Ed Meese, D. Lowell Jensen, and Rudolph Giuliani (8-11) Meeting for a briefing on the omnibus crime bill President Ronald Reagan and Helen Thomas (12-13) Making a statement to the press regarding the omnibus crime bill
Bildquelle: Richard_Nixon_with_Helen_Thomas_and_Fran_Lewine.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Series: Nixon White House Photographs, 1/20/1969 - 8/9/1974 Collection: White House Photo Office Collection (Nixon Administration), 1/20/1969 - 8/9/1974 Lizenz: gemeinfrei
The reporters interviewed President Nixon about turning 60 for about half an hour the day before his January 9, 1973 birthday.
Bildquelle: Third_debate_3263.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / George Bush Presidential Library and Museum Lizenz: gemeinfrei
President and Mrs. Bush share a laugh with Helen Thomas following the third presidential debate in East Lansing, MI.
President John F. Kennedy visits with Stan Musial, Major League Baseball (MLB) player for the St. Louis Cardinals, and his family. Left to right: President Kennedy; Stan Musial; his wife, Lillian Musial, and daughter, Janet Musial. In the background (L-R): White House Secret Service agent, Charlie Kunkel (partially hidden); White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas; unidentified. Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C.
President John F. Kennedy visits with Stan Musial, Major League Baseball (MLB) player for the St. Louis Cardinals, and his family. Left to right: President Kennedy; Stan Musial; his wife, Lillian Musial, and daughter, Janet Musial. In the background (L-R): White House Secret Service agent, Charlie Kunkel (partially hidden); White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), Helen Thomas; unidentified. Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C.
Helen Thomas war eine 🙋♀️ US-amerikanische Journalistin
Wie alt wurde Helen Thomas?
Helen Thomas erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 92 Jahren.
Wann hat Helen Thomas Geburtstag?
Helen Thomas wurde an einem Mittwoch am ⭐ 4. August 1920 geboren.
Wo wurde Helen Thomas geboren?
Helen Thomas wurde in 🚩 Winchester, Kentucky, USA, geboren.
Wann starb Helen Thomas?
Helen Thomas ist am ✟ 20. Juli 2013 in Washington, D.C., USA, gestorben.
In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Helen Thomas geboren?
Helen Thomas wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♌ Löwe geboren. Nach der chinesischen Astrologie ist ihr Tierkreiszeichen der Affe 猴 mit dem Element Metall ('Metall-Affe').
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