Jacques Cousteau
Jacques-Yves Cousteau, geboren am 11. Juni 1910 in Saint-André-de-Cubzac, Frankreich, und verstorben am 25. Juni 1997 in Paris, Frankreich war ein französischer, weltweit bekannter Pionier in der Meeresforschung und deren Dokumentation mit der Filmkamera. In seinen Filmen war eine rote Wollmütze sein Markenzeichen.
Mehr über Jacques Cousteau auf Wikipedia
Jacques Cousteau wurde in Saint-André-de-Cubzac, Frankreich, geboren.
Bilder zum Thema Jacques Cousteau Diese Datei wurde mit Commonist hochgeladen. Le commandant Cousteau en 1972 à La Haye pour une conférence. Photo libre de droits. Archives des Pays-Bas. Anefo. Drawing of the Calypso II, a rotorship, planed by J.Cousteau, but not build up till yet. Routes de la Calypso de lEquipe Cousteau entre 1951 et 1973 Carlos Garcia el Valvula, who discovered the cave of sleeping sharks, observes a seashell in the hands of Ramon Bravo who documented his contribution before the arrival of Calypso in 1976 Un des compagnon du Saga sur le sous marin Alle 33 Bilder anzeigen
keine Bildbeschreibung Commander Cousteau in C.E.1972 in The Hague for a conference. Royalty-free photo. Archives of the Netherlands. Anefo The Ra I , II , expedition réunion de léquipe Cousteau Jacques Cousteau, the French undersea researcher, is shown addressing members of the press on his experiences during an Antarctic expedition with the oceanographic ship, Calypso. The Calypso used satellite communication and weather equipment provided by NASA to test the accuracy of satellite observations in relation to the ships surface observations. Calypso used satellite observation information to navigate into safe waters after getting hit by an iceberg. Cousteau was born in Saint-Andre-de-Cubzac, France on June 11, 1910. He died on June 25, 1997, after contributing various books and hundreds of documents on the chartless realms that make up the planets oceans. In 1956, with the help of Calypso and her crew, Cousteau received an Academy award for his undersea documentary, The Silent World, and cemented his position as one of the worlds most famous marine biologists. Jacques-Yves Cousteau autograph. Les MOUSQUEMERS en 1948 Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Les MOUSQUEMERS en 1948. a photo of the medal Jacques-Yves Cousteau by Lev Razumovsky. 1998. Picture of Jacques-Yves Cousteau. EL CALYPSO HONNORS TO COUSTEAU President John F. Kennedy presents the National Geographic Society’s Gold Medal to Captain Jacques Cousteau, Director General of the Oceanarium of Monaco (center) on the steps of the West Wing Colonnade, White House, Washington, D.C. President and editor of National Geographic Melville Bell Grosvenor (right of Cousteau) looks on. Among those standing on the steps are French Ambassador to the United States Hervé Alphand and his wife Nicole Merenda Alphand; Cousteau’s wife Simone Melchior Cousteau (wearing red). Primeiro Simpósio Nacional de Ecologia do Brasil. Canto superior esquerdo: José Guilherme Lobo Cavagnari. Canto superior direito: Jean Jacques Yves Cousteau. Plaque commémorative des trois Mousquemers (Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Frédéric Dumas, Philippe Tailliez), île du Gaou, Six-Fours-les-Plages, Var, France, photo Mairismer. Visite du musée Océanographique de Monaco par le prince Rainier III de Monaco et son épouse Grace Kelly, avec le commandant Cousteau (directeur du musée) Cousteau President John F. Kennedy presents the National Geographic Society’s Gold Medal to Captain Jacques Cousteau, Director General of the Oceanarium of Monaco (center) on the steps of the West Wing Colonnade, White House, Washington, D.C. President and editor of National Geographic Melville Bell Grosvenor (right of Cousteau) looks on. Among those standing on the steps are French Ambassador to the United States Hervé Alphand and his wife Nicole Merenda Alphand; Cousteau’s wife Simone Melchior Cousteau. Persons: Alphand, Hervé, 1907-1994 Alphand, Nicole Merenda, 1917-1979 Cousteau, Jacques Yves, 1910-1997 Cousteau, Simone Melchior, 1919-1990 Grosvenor, Melville Bell, 1901-1982 Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 accession number: AR6526-A digital identifier: JFKWHP-AR6526-A President John F. Kennedy presents the National Geographic Society’s Gold Medal to Captain Jacques Cousteau, Director General of the Oceanarium of Monaco (center) on the steps of the West Wing Colonnade, White House, Washington, D.C. President and editor of National Geographic Melville Bell Grosvenor (right of Cousteau) looks on. Among those standing on the steps are French Ambassador to the United States Hervé Alphand (hidden) and his wife Nicole Merenda Alphand (wearing blue); Cousteau’s wife Simone Melchior Cousteau (wearing red). Mostrandole como usar una camara de filmacion de 16 mm 1975, Isla Mujeres. Ramón Bravo y Jacques Cousteau Traffic circle dedicated to Jacques-Yves Cousteau, in Saint-André-de-Cubzac (Gironde, Aquitaine, France). The vault of the Cousteau family, in Saint-André-de-Cubzac (Gironde, Aquitaine, France). tarjeta de presentacion conservada y digitalizada por el publicador deicando el aporte global de contribucion de este documento a la conservacion en la historia del buceo. Франция, вторая половина 60-х гг. XX века, Жак-Ив Кусто и Всеволод Всеволодович Тимонов le commandant Cousteau remettant le premier trophée des premières régates de trainières en 1991 à Saint-Jean-de-Luz. Логотип Команды Кусто Fakten über Jacques Cousteau Wodurch ist Jacques Cousteau bekannt?
Jacques Cousteau war ein 🙋♂️ französischer Meeresforscher
Wie alt wurde Jacques Cousteau?
Jacques Cousteau erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 87 Jahren.
Wann hat Jacques Cousteau Geburtstag?
Jacques Cousteau wurde an einem Samstag am ⭐ 11. Juni 1910 geboren.
Wo wurde Jacques Cousteau geboren?
Jacques Cousteau wurde in 🚩 Saint-André-de-Cubzac, Frankreich, geboren.
Wann starb Jacques Cousteau?
Jacques Cousteau ist am ✟ 25. Juni 1997 in Paris, Frankreich, gestorben.
In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Jacques Cousteau geboren?
Jacques Cousteau wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♊ Zwilling geboren. Nach der chinesischen Astrologie ist sein Tierkreiszeichen der Hund 狗 mit dem Element Metall ('Metall-Hund').
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