Kim Dae-jung †

Steckbrief von Kim Dae-jung

Name:Kim Dae-jung
Beruf:südkoreanischer Politiker und Friedensnobelpreisträger
Alter:83 Jahre
Geburtsdatum:3. Dezember 1925
Geburtsort:Hauido, Südkorea
Todesdatum:18. August 2009
Sterbeort:Seoul, Südkorea

Kim Dae-jung, geboren am 3. Dezember 1925 in Hauido, Südkorea, und verstorben am 18. August 2009 in Seoul, Südkorea war ein südkoreanischer Politiker. Für lange Zeit war Kim der Führer der Opposition, 1998 löste er Kim Young-sam als Präsidenten der Republik Korea (Südkorea) ab und übte dieses Amt bis 2003 aus. Im Jahr 2000 wurde ihm der Friedensnobelpreis verliehen.

Mehr über Kim Dae-jung auf Wikipedia

Kim Dae-jung wurde in Hauido, Südkorea, geboren.

Bilder zum Thema Kim Dae-jung

Kim Dae-jung Bild 1
2008년 대통령 김대중, 소방공무원 김복경
Kim Dae-jung Bild 2
김대중. South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung and U.S. Ambassador to Korea Steven Bosworth receive a briefing from a member of the Combined Forces Command.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 3
President Clinton greets South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung prior to their trilateral meeting with Japans Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi at the Stamford Plaza Hotel in Auckland.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 4
President Clinton greets South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung prior to their trilateral meeting with Japans Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi at the Stamford Plaza Hotel in Auckland.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 5
GEN John H. Tilelli, Commander in CHIEF, United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/U.S. Forces Korea, and Korean Army GEN Kim with South Korean President Kim Young Sam as they wish him well upon his departure from the Combined Forces Command The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Republic Of Korea (KOR) Scene Camera Operator: PFC Marina D. Soto Release Status: Released to Public
Kim Dae-jung Bild 6
Jean Carnahan urges South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung to purchase Missouri-produced F-15 fighters

Alle 43 Bilder anzeigen

Kim Dae-jung Bild 7
President George W. Bush and President Kim Dae-Jung proceed through an arrival ceremony at The Blue House in Seoul, Republic of Korea, Feb. 20, 2002. I understand how important this relationship is to our country, and the United States is strongly committed to the security of South Korea. Well honor our commitments. Make no mistake about it that we stand firm behind peace in the Peninsula. White House photo by Paul Morse.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 8
A Cropped version of File:Vladimir Putin in South Korea 26-28 February 2001-7.jpg
Kim Dae-jung Bild 9
SEOUL. President Putin at a gala reception given by South Korean President Kim Dae-jung.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 10
South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung during a visit of George W. Bush in Seoul, February 20, 2002.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 11
1970년 12월 광주대단지 현장을 방문한 김대중
Kim Dae-jung Bild 12
Full scenery of KDJ Nobel Peace Prize Memorial
Kim Dae-jung Bild 13
Inside Kim Dae-jung Nobel Peace Prize Memorial Hall. (2nd floor) in Mokpo, Jeollanam-do, South Korea.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 14
The picture of former S.Korea president Kim Dae-jung and first lady, Lee Hui-ho.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 15
김대중 대통령의 선거 유세 포스터 및 사진들. 김대중노벨평화상기념관 (전남 목포 삼학도)
Kim Dae-jung Bild 16
Official Portrait of Kim Dae-jung, the 15th President of the Republic of Korea
Kim Dae-jung Bild 17
Official Portrait of Kim Dae-jung, the 15th President of the Republic of Korea
Kim Dae-jung Bild 18
Official Portrait of Kim Dae-jung, the 15th President of the Republic of Korea
Kim Dae-jung Bild 19
Official Portrait of Kim Dae-jung, the 15th President of the Republic of Korea
Kim Dae-jung Bild 20
The signature of Kim Dae-jung, the 15th president of the Republic of Korea.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 21
The South Korean President and the U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Steven Bosworth receive a briefing from a member of the Combined Forces Command.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 22
김대중 이희호의 동교동 자택
Kim Dae-jung Bild 23
Kim Dae-jung Bild 24
Convention of the New Korean Democratic Party (1984-1988) at the Sejong Center in Seoul
Kim Dae-jung Bild 25
President Bill Clinton meets with South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung and Japanese Prime Minister Keizō Obuchi. Stamford Plaza Hotel, Aukland, New Zealand. 9/12/99 photo by Sharon Farmer.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 26
President Kim Dae-jung signs the Jeju 4.3 Special Law at the Blue House along side family members of the victims and representatives of civic groups
Kim Dae-jung Bild 27
In 1990s President DJ Kim awards Samdo Vice-Chairman KimJH
Kim Dae-jung Bild 28
Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori met with a series of foreign leaders who were visiting Japan to attend the official funeral of the late Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi, organized by the Government of Japan and the Liberal Democratic Party (see following item). He conferred individually with President Bill Clinton of the United States, President Kim Dae Jung of the Republic of Korea, President Joseph Estrada of the Philippines, President Abdurrahman Wahid of Indonesia, and Prime Minister John Howard of Australia, and also met with leaders and cabinet members of states belonging to the South Pacific Forum. In the meetings between the Prime Minister and Presidents Clinton and Kim, the leaders agreed that Japan, the United States, and the Republic of Korea would maintain close liaison regarding policy toward North Korea in the leadup to the summit between the leaders of the Republic of Korea and North Korea. The Prime Minister also engaged in active exchanges of views regarding the July Group of Eight Kyushu-Okinawa Summit in his meetings with foreign leaders.
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Republic of Korea President Kim Daejungs Signature Watch
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Kim Dae-jung Bild 31
Kim Dae-jung Bild 32
Kim Dae-jung,Kim Young-Sam and Kim_Jong-pil, the three Kim democracy advocates in S Korea history
Kim Dae-jung Bild 33
SEOUL. President Putin at a gala reception given by South Korean President Kim Dae-jung.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 34
SEOUL. President Putin at a gala reception given by South Korean President Kim Dae-jung.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 35
SEOUL. President Putin at a gala reception given by South Korean President Kim Dae-jung.
Kim Dae-jung Bild 36
森総理、韓国を訪問 就任後初の日韓首脳会談 日韓首脳会談(青瓦台)
Kim Dae-jung Bild 37
森総理、韓国を訪問 就任後初の日韓首脳会談 日韓首脳共同記者会見(青瓦台)
Kim Dae-jung Bild 38
森総理、韓国を訪問 就任後初の日韓首脳会談 金大中大統領主催午餐会(青瓦台)
Kim Dae-jung Bild 39
자료출처: 『두더지 시장 양택식Ⅰ: 1970-1972』(2015), 48쪽 1970년 말, 신민당은 경기도 광주대단지 주민들에 대한 서울시의 구호대책이 제대로 마련되지 않은 점을 비판하고 그들이 국민으로서의 기본권을 보호받을 수 있도록 긴급조치를 취하라고 촉구했다. (1970. 12. 21)
Kim Dae-jung Bild 40
김대중대통령 주룽지(朱鎔基) 중국 총리와 한.중 단독정상회담
Kim Dae-jung Bild 41
김대중대통령 주룽지(朱鎔基) 중국 총리와 한.중 단독정상회담
Kim Dae-jung Bild 42
김대중대통령 쩡칭훙(曾慶紅) 중국공산당정치국후보위원겸당중앙조직부장접견악수
Kim Dae-jung Bild 43
김대중대통령한.중.일정상회동시주룽지(Zhu Rongji)중국총리.고이즈미일본총리와악수

Verwandte Themen

Fakten über Kim Dae-jung

  • Wodurch ist Kim Dae-jung bekannt?

    Kim Dae-jung war ein 🙋‍♂️ südkoreanischer Politiker und Friedensnobelpreisträger

  • Wie alt wurde Kim Dae-jung?

    Kim Dae-jung erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 83 Jahren.

  • Wann hat Kim Dae-jung Geburtstag?

    Kim Dae-jung wurde an einem Donnerstag am ⭐ 3. Dezember 1925 geboren.

  • Wo wurde Kim Dae-jung geboren?

    Kim Dae-jung wurde in 🚩 Hauido, Südkorea, geboren.

  • Wann starb Kim Dae-jung?

    Kim Dae-jung ist am ✟ 18. August 2009 in Seoul, Südkorea, gestorben.

  • In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Kim Dae-jung geboren?

    Kim Dae-jung wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♐ Schütze geboren. Nach der chinesischen Astrologie ist sein Tierkreiszeichen der Büffel 牛 mit dem Element Holz ('Holz-Büffel').

Mehr Geburtstage am 3. Dezember

Mehr 83jährige Prominente

Mehr Politiker

Auch im Jahr 2009 verstorben

Diese Seite wird auch unter folgenden Suchbegriffen gefunden: Alter Kim Dae-jung | Kim Dae-jung Steckbrief | Kim Dae-jung Größe | Kim Dae-jung Geburtstag | Kim Dae-jung geboren | Kim Dae-jung Geburtsort | Kim Dae-jung Alter | Kim Dae-jung Geburtsdatum | Kim Dae-jung Sternzeichen | In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Kim Dae-jung geboren | Wo wurde Kim Dae-jung geboren | Alter von Kim Dae-jung
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