Dempsey war von 1922 bis 1926 Weltmeister im Schwergewicht. Er war mit dem Stummfilmstar Estelle Taylor verheiratet, die als eine der schönsten Frauen der 1920er Jahre galt. Dempsey wurde 1990 in die International Boxing Hall of Fame aufgenommen.
For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. Dempsey mit Schwester
For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. So wird ihn bestimmt keiner wiedererkennen! Der amerikanische Boxweltmeister Jack Dempsey in einer Rolle, wie er in einem amerikanischen Lustspielfilm auftritt. Als Honorar hat der Boxweltmeister dafür eine halbe Million Dollars bekommen.
For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. Jack Dempsey, der ehemalige Weltmeister im Boxen als Filmschauspieler! Jack Dempsey, der ehemalige Boxweltmeister ist für eine Tonfilmrolle verpflichtet worden, welche ihn als Mexikaner zeigt. Für diese Szene, welche nur 120 m lang ist und ca. 20 Minuten Spieldauer hat, erhielt der ehemalige Boxweltmeister 100 tausend Dollar.
For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. Wie man sich populär macht ! Jack Dempsey, der bekannte Box-Exweltmeister bei einem Wohltätigkeitsfest in Chicago, eine Posaune blasend. (English translation: How to become popular! Jack Dempsey, the known former boxing champion at a charity festival in Chicago, playing a trombone)
For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. Der Exweltmeister im Boxen Jack Dempsey im Tonfilm! Der bekannte amerikanische Exboxweltmeister Jack Dempsey in einer Tonfilm-Szene, für welche er ein Honorar von 50.000,-- Dollars erhält.
For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. Der frühere Boxweltmeister Jack Dempsey von seiner Frau Estelle Taylor geschieden ! Jack Dempsey mit seiner Gattin Frau Estelle Taylor im ersten Jahr ihrer jetzt geschiedenen Ehe.
For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. Wird er wieder in den Boxring zurücktreten ! Jack Dempsey, der populärste Schwergewichtsboxer der Welt, wird für eine lustige Filmrolle als Teufel maskiert.
Still from the documentary short film showing Jack Dempsey training for his match with Georges Carpentier, on page 68 of the June 11, 1921 Exhibitors Herald.
Photograph shows Jack Dempsey landing a right punch to the jaw of Jess Willard; boxing in outside ring in Toledo, Ohio with throngs of spectators in attendance.
Advertisement for the American boxing film series Fight and Win (1924) consisting of ten 2-reel episodes with Jack Dempsey, on the cover of the June 28, 1924 Universal Weekly.
Advertisement for the American boxing film series Fight and Win (1924) consisting of ten 2-reel episodes with Jack Dempsey, Kate Price, Hayden Stevenson, Beatrice Burnham, Edgar Kennedy (listed as Edward Kennedy), Esther Ralston, Carmelita Geraghty, Charles Reisner (listed as Chuck Reisner), Virginia Lee Corbin, George Ovey, and Gertrude Astor, on pages 26 and 27 of the October 25, 1924 Universal Weekly.
Advertisement for the American boxing film series Fight and Win (1924) consisting of ten 2-reel episodes with Jack Dempsey, Carmelita Geraghty, Hayden Stevenson, Esther Ralston, Charles Reisner (listed as Chuck Reisner), Virginia Lee Corbin, on page 26 of the January 3, 1925 Universal Weekly.
Alonzo Victor Lewis began his career as a sculptor and painter in 1920. In 1923, Lewis created a furor in the art world when his oil painting of Jack Dempsey was hung amid landscapes at the Kansas City Art Institute. This photo shows Lewis with a sculpture of the famous boxer. Born in 1863, Ella McBride began working in the photography field in 1909 when she managed the Edward Curtis Studio. She opened her own studio in 1917 with Wayne Albee. Albee moved to San Diego in 1925, and McBride continued to operate a studio in various Seattle locations. In 1932 she partnered with Richard Anderson; they continued to work together until she retired in 1954 due to her failing eyesight. She died in 1965 at the age of 102. This photograph was taken before the McBride-Anderson partnership began; it is not known which partner was the photographer. Handwritten on sleeve: Alonzo Victor Lewis Seattle Sculptor (& Jack Dempsey). Subjects (LCTGM): Boxers (Sports)--Washington (State)--Seattle; Sports--Washington (State)--Seattle; Sculptors--Washington (State)--Seattle; Sculpture--Washington (State)--Seattle People: Dempsey, Jack, 1895-; Lewis, Alonzo Victor
Jack The Manassa Mauler Dempsey was the Heavyweight Champion of the World from 1919 to 1926. He originated from the small mining town of Manassa, Colorado. His career began unofficially as he traveled around the West by hopping freight trains and challenging the miners and lumbermen to barroom brawls using the name Kid Blackie. Beating the giant, Jess Willard, in 1919, Dempsey gained both the Heavyweight Champion of the World title and a fierce reputation. He was known for knockout victories, some of which occurred within seconds of the beginning of the fight. After losing the title to Gene Tunney in 1926, the rematch in 1927 was much disputed as Dempsey knocked out Tunney but, due to confusion, did not return to a neutral corner allowing the official count to begin. After an appeal was rejected, Dempsey retired, continued exhibition boxing until 1940, and then opened a restaurant in New York City. In this 1923 photograph, Dempsey is on the right in the white trunks and is believed to be boxing Tommy Gibbons, whom he beat to maintain the World Championship in Shelby, Montana that same year. Caption information sources: The Official Jack Dempsey website;; University of Illinois Press book review of Jack Dempsey: The Manassa Mauler. Subjects (LCTGM): Boxers (Sports)--Washington (State)--Seattle; Sports--Washington (State)--Seattle; Sports spectators--Washington (State)--Seattle People: Dempsey, Jack; Gibbons, Tommy
Title: Digital display record: This record exists solely to make the digital image available. You may be able to find information about the displayed item by looking at other online catalog records retrieved with the Reproduction Number below. If no such record is retrieved, information may be found in Prints & Photographs Division manual indexes. Abstract/medium: 1 photograph : print.
Boxer Jack Dempsey with wife Hannah Dempsey and daughter Joan Hannah in Los Angeles while on a cross-country vacation with his mother. Related to the article, Jack Dempseys En Route Here, Los Angeles Times, 29 Jul. 1935: 4.
Dempsey, Houdini, Leonard (boxing). 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller. Jack Dempsey (l), Harry Houdini (center), and Benny Leonard (r) spar at a publicity event.
Dempsey, Houdini, Leonard (boxing). 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller. Jack Dempsey (l), Harry Houdini (center), and Benny Leonard (r) spar at a publicity event.
A man and a woman, both white, seated at a table set for dining; the man is wearing a suit; the woman is wearing a dress and sitting in a wicker wheelchair
A chart that represents former an current world heavyweight boxing champions by number of opponents beaten in world heavyweight title fights. The list does not include The Ring and lineal championship fights after 1921, although it only includes heavyweight champions that captured undisputed championship (1922–present), lineal championship (1885–1921) or The Ring championship (1922–1989, 2002–). The list only includes title reigns during which the champion: 1. has won undisputed championship (1922–present), The Ring championship (1922–1989, 2002–), lineal championship (1885–1921) 2. unified the titles 3. defeated a fighter that either had to drop his own world title prior to the fight due to organizations championship policy or would later become the world champion, while the winners reign was still active
Jack Dempsey war ein 🙋♂️ US-amerikanischer Boxer und Weltmeister
Wie alt wurde Jack Dempsey?
Jack Dempsey erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 87 Jahren.
Wann hat Jack Dempsey Geburtstag?
Jack Dempsey wurde an einem Montag am ⭐ 24. Juni 1895 geboren.
Wo wurde Jack Dempsey geboren?
Jack Dempsey wurde in 🚩 Manassa, Colorado, USA, geboren.
Wann starb Jack Dempsey?
Jack Dempsey ist am ✟ 31. Mai 1983 in New York City, USA, gestorben.
In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Jack Dempsey geboren?
Jack Dempsey wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♋ Krebs geboren.
Wie groß war Jack Dempsey?
Jack Dempsey hatte eine Größe von ca. 📏 1,85 m. Damit ist er größer als die meisten deutschen Männer. Laut Statistik von 2021 beträgt die durchschnittliche Körpergröße eines Mannes in Deutschland 1,79 m.
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