Mahatma Gandhi †

Steckbrief von Mahatma Gandhi

Name:Mahatma Gandhi
Beruf:indischer Rechtsanwalt und Pazifist
Alter:78 Jahre
Geburtsdatum:2. Oktober 1869
Geburtsort:Porbandar, Gujarat, Indien
Todesdatum:30. Januar 1948
Sterbeort:Neu-Delhi, Indien
Größe:1,64 m

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, geboren am 2. Oktober 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat, Indien, und verstorben am 30. Januar 1948 in Neu-Delhi, Indien war ein indischer Rechtsanwalt, Publizist, Morallehrer, Asket und Pazifist, der zum geistigen und politischen Anführer der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung wurde.

Bereits an der Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert setzte sich Gandhi in Südafrika für die Gleichberechtigung der Inder ein und entwickelte dabei Methoden des gewaltlosen, politischen Kampfes. Nach seiner Rückkehr nach Indien 1915 unterstützte er den Widerstand der Kongresspartei gegen den britischen Raj und stieg in den 1920er Jahren zum entscheidenden Vorkämpfer für ein freies Indien auf. Als einer der ersten setzte er den Hungerstreik als politische Waffe ein. Gandhi wandte sich gegen koloniale Ausbeutung und forderte die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte auch für Dalit, die so genannten Unberührbaren, ohne jedoch das indische Kastensystem insgesamt in Frage zu stellen. Er wünschte sich Indien als säkularen Staat, in dem Hindus und Moslems friedlich zusammenleben sollten. Er favorisierte eine auf Arbeit beruhende Autarkie und ein Wirtschaftssystem auf landwirtschaftlich-kleinbäuerlicher Grundlage. Die Unabhängigkeitsbewegung, die Gandhis Ideen von gewaltfreien Aktionen und zivilem Ungehorsam aufgriff, erreichte im August 1947 mit dem Salzmarsch das Ende der britischen Kolonialherrschaft über Indien. Ein halbes Jahr danach fiel Gandhi, der die mit der Unabhängigkeit verbundene Teilung Indiens stets abgelehnt hatte, dem Attentat eines Hindu-Nationalisten zum Opfer.

Gandhi verbrachte in Südafrika und Indien insgesamt acht Jahre in Gefängnissen. Seine Grundhaltung Satyagraha, das beharrliche Festhalten an der Wahrheit, hat er in zahlreichen Schriften dargelegt und immer weiter entwickelt. Es umfasst neben Ahimsa, der Gewaltlosigkeit, noch weitere ethische Forderungen wie etwa Swaraj, was sowohl individuelle als auch politische Selbstkontrolle und Selbstbestimmung bedeutet.

Schon zu Lebzeiten weltweit bekannt, ist Gandhi bis heute für viele ein Vorbild. Er wurde mehrmals für den Friedensnobelpreis nominiert, der in seinem Todesjahr aus symbolischen Gründen nicht vergeben wurde. Ebenso wie Nelson Mandela oder Martin Luther King gilt er als herausragender Vertreter im Freiheitskampf gegen Kolonialismus, Unterdrückung und soziale Ungerechtigkeit.

Mehr über Mahatma Gandhi auf Wikipedia

Zitate von Mahatma Gandhi

Dem Verstand Allwissenheit zuzuschreiben, ist die gleiche Art von Götzendienst, wie die Anbetung von Stock und Stein. Ich plädiere nicht für eine Abwertung der Vernunft, aber für die gebührende Anerkennung der Instanz in uns, die die Vernunft heiligt.


Young Indiaʼʼ, 14.10.1924; zitiert in: ʼʼThe Columbia Dictionary of Quotationsʼʼ; Timothy R. Jennings, ʼʼEin gesunder Geist: Wie erlangen wir ihnʼʼ, Advent-Verlag, S. 22
* Die Ehrfurcht vor dem "universalen und alles durchdringenden Geist der Wahrheit hat mich in die Politik geführt; und ich kann ohne Zögern und doch in aller Demut sagen, dass ein Mensch, der behauptet, Religion habe nichts mit Politik zu tun, nicht weiß, was Religion bedeutet.


nach Hubertus Mynarek, „Gedanken zur Logik der Macht“, aus: „Aufklärung und Kritik“ 1/1998, S. 27 ff.
Gewaltlosigkeit bedeutet keineswegs Ablehnung jeglicher Konfrontation mit dem Bösen. Sie ist meiner Auffassung nach im Gegenteil eine Form eines sehr aktiven Kampfes - echter als der gewalttätige Gegenschlag, dessen Wesen im Grunde die Vermehrung der Boshaftigkeit ist.


Ausgewählte Texte, Hrsg. von Richard Attenborough, Goldmann Verlag, 1989, ISBN 3442065771

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Mahatma Gandhi wurde in Porbandar, Gujarat, Indien, geboren.

Bilder zum Thema Mahatma Gandhi

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Pictures from Saskatoon
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Pictures from Saskatoon
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Pictures from Saskatoon
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Pictures from Saskatoon
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Entry gate of Kiriti Mandir, the birth place of Mahatma Gandhi
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Demonstration von rechten und verschwörungsideologischen Gruppen gegen die Änderung des Infektionsschutzgestzes, in der sie ein „Ermächtigungsgesetz“ sehen am 18. November 2020 in Berlin. Die Demonstration im Bannkreis wurden verboten, der Protest davor wurde wegen Verstoßes gegen die Infektionsschutzverordnung aufgelöst.

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The Dialogue between Mohamed ElBaradei and Rajmohan Gandhi took place during the turbulent post-revolution period in Egypt, November 19-20, 2012 (From Left-Aida ElKashaf, Linda Herrera, Mohamed ElBaradei, Rajmohan Gandhi, Magdy ElAbadi). The encounter was coordinated by Linda Herrera with the support of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The purpose was to explore ideas about youth and the Arab uprisings, political struggles for dignity and democracy in Egypt and India, global security, the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi, and the way forward.The filming was done by Figleaf studies under contract with the University of Illinois. Video vignettes of the dialogue are available on the YouTube channel, Democracy Dialogue
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Chambre (reconstituée) dans laquelle Gandhi passa les 144 derniers jours de sa vie avant dêtre assassiné dans le jardin attenant. National Gandhi Museum de Delhi.
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Chambre (reconstituée) dans laquelle Gandhi passa les 144 derniers jours de sa vie avant dêtre assassiné dans le jardin attenant. National Gandhi Museum de Delhi.
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Chambre (reconstituée) dans laquelle Gandhi passa les 144 derniers jours de sa vie avant dêtre assassiné dans le jardin attenant. National Gandhi Museum de Delhi.
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Chambre (reconstituée) dans laquelle Gandhi passa les 144 derniers jours de sa vie avant dêtre assassiné dans le jardin attenant. National Gandhi Museum de Delhi.
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Mahatma Gandhi síremléke.
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‫#‏گـــانــدی‬ زۆرینه‌ی خه‌ڵکی منیان به‌راستگۆ ده‌زانی له‌کاتێکدا ده‌یان جار توشی درۆکردن هاتوم، ئه‌وه‌ش به‌حوکمی ئه‌وه‌ی سه‌روکارم له‌گه‌ڵ سیاسه‌تدا هه‌بوو ئاخر بته‌وێ و نه‌ته‌وێ سیاسه‌ت ده‌تکات به‌درۆزن، سیاسه‌ت مه‌داری راستگۆش درۆیه‌کی گه‌وره‌یه‌ گاندی
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Slide sobre Não Violência
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Gandhi peace foundation Ernakulam office
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The place where Mahatma Gandhi visited on Jammu
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Gandhi Statue and Activities Center
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The glasses worn by Sir Ben Kingsley in the movie Gandhi in City Palace Museum in Udaipur.
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Gandhi (left), Sonia Schlesin, his secretary, and Dr. Hermann Kallenbach. Kallenbach sewed this photo in the collar of his jacket before joining Gandhi in England during the First World War. Being of German origin, he feared being arrested and the image seized. He was effectively arrested, but the police never discovered the photo. This photo has been retouched to diminish the creasing of the picture
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Gandhi smarakam, panmana, Kollam
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Gandhi statue at Ghantasala Music college Vijayawada, tentative, Gandhi Jayanti 2018
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Micro Printed Text on Gandhis Collar
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Micro printed text on Gandhis spectacles
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at the death time of Gandhi
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at the death time of Gandhi
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiyan quotes, Quotes of Mahatma gandhi presented at the Gandhi Park, Durga HSS Kanhangad
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Gandhiji Seating Place where whole idea of revolution begins ,Ahmedabd
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Gandhi slipper-mothers wax museum,kolkata.
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Gujarati Wikisource Workshop
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This picture has a flow chart to depict the inspiration on Ahimsa and Satya (truth) in the contemporary history.
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The National Museum of Indian Cinema was inaugurated by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 19th January, 2019 at the Films Division Complex, Pedder Road, Mumbai. The Museum is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday (11 AM to 6 PM) and will remain closed on Mondays and Public Holidays. At India’s first cinema museum, a journey from silent films to special effects The National Museum of Indian Cinema in Mumbai is as expansive as the country’s film industries. A boy spins a charkha while intently peering at a screen before him. He stays rooted to the spot for a few minutes, turning the wheel backward and forward. A few moments later, it becomes clear that he is trying to operate an interactive exhibit. On the screen appears to be a timeline with key dates and information. Turning the charkha makes the timeline move. But turn it too much or too little and the words get cut off. A short distance away, Mahatma Gandhi sits still on a bench watching endless loops of the 1943 film Ram Rajya while people line up to take selfies with him. It’s the first weekend after its inauguration and these scenes are from the National Museum of Indian Cinema in Mumbai. A Gandhi and Cinema section has been incorporated as part of the government’s efforts to commemorate 150 years of the Mahatma’s birth anniversary, but the museum has a lot more to offer.
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ভারতীয় বাক বিভাগ
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José Clemente Orozco, Gandhi y el imperialismo inglés
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காந்திஜி கதர் ஆடைக்கு மாறிய இடம் :)
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Kingsley Hall, Powis Road, Bromley by Bow, London, E3 3HJ, London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Mahatma Gandhi stayed here in 1931
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Kyrgyzstan Issued Stamp on 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
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Lunettes de Gandhi et leur étui au National Gandhi Museum de Delhi.
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Lunettes de Gandhi au National Gandhi Museum de Delhi.
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Plaque de rue et plaque Gandhi.
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याकूब हसन और जी.ए. नटेसन के साथ मोहनदास करमचंद गांधी और कस्तूरबा गांधी।
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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist, who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for Indias independence from British Rule.
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on Hason Raja
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Blue plaque erected in 1954 by London County Council at Kingsley Hall, Powis Road, Bromley by Bow, London, E3 3HJ, London Borough of Tower Hamlets
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Blue plaque erected in 1954 by London County Council at Kingsley Hall, Powis Road, Bromley by Bow, London, E3 3HJ, London Borough of Tower Hamlets
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Mahatma Gandhi Ashram Sabarmati
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Mahatma Gandhi sculpture at state museum, Himachal Pradesh, located in Shimla.
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Photo of the Mahatma Gandhi birth centenary copper medallion minted in 1969.
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Mahatma Gandhi collecting money from public 
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Culture Center
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Mahatma Gandhi
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Mahatma Gandhi
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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian lawyer
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Mahatma gandhiji is one of the most famous freedom fighter in India. He was the main pillar for the independence of India. He followed ahimsa and patience. He was a famous paristor. He travelled more countries.
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The Father Of India
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Silhouette Photograph of Gandhi statute in Chennai (Marina beach) by Dts.Photography (Vignesh.T)
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Bapuji ke aklam
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mahatma Gandhi statue at Bheemili beach, visakhapatnam
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Tourist spot - Rock Beach, Pondicherry
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Mahatma Gandhi visits the school on 13th Jan 1937
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కానూ గాంధీతో మహాత్మా గాంధీ విగ్రహం, భీమిలి బీచ్, విశాఖపట్నం
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Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Mahatma Gandhi Datum : 29 juli 1964 Persoonsnaam : Mahatma Gandhi Fotograaf : Fotograaf Onbekend / Anefo Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaal Archief Materiaalsoort : Negatief (zwart/wit) Nummer archiefinventaris : bekijk toegang Bestanddeelnummer : 916-6994
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Spinning wheel at Sabarmati Ashram.
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Portrait painting of Mahatma Gandhi; made using a black and white photograph from 1931 as a reference. Mahatma Gandhi is considered the founding father of India. Gandhi is internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest (satyagraha) to achieve political and social progress. Object Source: Black and white photo (taken in 1931, public domain; credit: Elliot & Fry) from Wikimedia Commons. Water colour, color pencils and gel pen on white paper
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Makassar in 2022
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Mahatma Gandhi with Kasturba Gandhi.
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The Dialogue between Mohamed ElBaradei and Rajmohan Gandhi took place during the turbulent post-revolution period in Egypt on November 19 and 20, 2012 (From Left-Aida ElKashaf, Linda Herrera, Mohamed ElBaradei, Rajmohan Gandhi, Magdy ElAbadi). The encounter was coordinated by Linda Herrera with the support of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The purpose was to explore ideas about youth and the Arab uprisings, political struggles for dignity and democracy, global security, and the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi.The filming was done by Figleaf studies under contract with the University of Illinois. Video vignettes of the dialogue are available on the YouTube channel, Democracy Dialogue
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Book about Westgodavari History
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Montre gousset de Gandhi au National Gandhi Museum de Delhi.
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Montre gousset de Gandhi au National Gandhi Museum de Delhi.
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Mural sculpture at Bapu museum showing Pingali Venkayya gifting national flag to Gandhi
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Prise de vue au Musée Grévin de Paris en septembre 2024
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Naradar Srinivasa Rao was active in freedom fight movements and activities along with leaders like Gandhiji
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Gandhi Ji visited Delhi in 1915 and stayed with Principal of St Stephens College
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Mahatma Gandhi painting at National Charkha museum
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Placa en el árbol memorial colocado el 11 de marzo de 2014. Plaza de la Encarnación, Sevilla, Andalucía, España.
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Porte-fenêtre empruntée par Gandhi le 30 janvier 1948 avant de se rendre au lieu de prière où il fut assassiné quelques mètres plus loin. National Gandhi Museum, New Delhi.
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Porte-fenêtre empruntée par Gandhi le 30 janvier 1948 avant de se rendre au lieu de prière où il fut assassiné quelques mètres plus loin. National Gandhi Museum, New Delhi.
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Quote from Mahatma Gandhi: Fasting is the sincerest form of prayer.
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Blick auf Raj Ghat, Gedenkstätte für Mahatma Gandhi, New Delhi, 1989, aktuell digitalisiert
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Blick auf Raj Ghat, Gedenkstätte für Mahatma Gandhi, New Delhi, 1989, aktuell digitalisiert
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Auf Raj Ghat, Gedenkstätte für Mahatma Gandhi, New Delhi, 1989, aktuell digitalisiert
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Auf Raj Ghat, Gedenkstätte für Mahatma Gandhi, New Delhi, 1989, aktuell digitalisiert
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The Library of Tibetan Works and Archive (LTWA) and Amnye Machen Institute in Dharamsala, India jointly organized a talk and photo exhibition in remembrance of Rakra Tethong Rinpoche: (1925 - 2012) on his first death anniversary. Tashi Tsering, director of Amnye Machen Institute; Acharya Karma Monlam, editor of the Tibetan Department of Education; Sonam Gyaltsen, history teacher at Sarah Tibetan Higher studies; and Chung Tsering, a Tibetan writer.
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Sewagram Ashram is located in the Wardha district of Maharastra where Mahatma Gandhi spent many years of his life. In this picture, one can see Professor Ashok Mehendale, Professor Rahul Narang, and Dr Munish Kumar Raizada during an orientation camp for newly admitted medical students of MGIMS. Shanti Bahwan is visible in the background.
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Sewagram Ashram is located in the Wardha district of Maharastra where Mahatma Gandhi spent many years of his life. In this picture, one can see Professor Ashok Mehendale, Professor Rahul Narang, and Dr Munish Kumar Raizada during an orientation camp for newly admitted medical students of MGIMS. Shanti Bahwan is visible in the background.
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People on the cover of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Beatles in the flesh and the wax statues, have been removed to uncover some hidden figures. (1) Sri Yukteswar Giri (Hindu guru (1855-1936)) (2) Aleister Crowley (occultist) (3) Mae West (actress) (4) Lenny Bruce (comedian) (5) Karlheinz Stockhausen (composer) (6) W. C. Fields (comedian) (7) Carl Gustav Jung (psychiatrist) (8) Edgar Allan Poe (writer) (9) Fred Astaire (actor/dancer) (10) Richard Merkin (artist) (11) The Vargas Girl (by artist Alberto Vargas) (12) Leo Gorcey (actor) (13) Huntz Hall (actor) (14) Simon Rodia (designer and builder of the Watts Towers) (15) Bob Dylan (singer/songwriter) (16) Aubrey Beardsley (illustrator) (17) Robert Peel (19th century British Prime Minister) (18) Aldous Huxley (writer) (19) Dylan Thomas (poet) (20) Terry Southern (writer) (21) Dion DiMucci (singer/songwriter) (22) Tony Curtis (actor) (23) Wallace Berman (artist) (24) Tommy Handley (comedian) (25) Marilyn Monroe (actress) (26) William S. Burroughs (writer) (27) Sri Mahavatar Babaji (Hindu guru) (28) Stan Laurel (actor) (29) Richard Lindner (actor comedian) (30) Oliver Hardy (actor) (31) Karl Marx (political philosopher) (32) H.G. Wells (writer) (33) Sri Paramahansa Yogananda (Hindu guru) (34A) James Joyce (34) Hairdressers wax dummy (35) Stuart Sutcliffe (artist/former Beatle) (36) Hairdressers wax dummy (37) Max Miller (comedian) (39) Marlon Brando (actor) (40) Tom Mix (actor) (41) Oscar Wilde (writer) (42) Tyrone Power (actor) (43) Larry Bell (artist) (44) David Livingstone (missionary/explorer) (45) Johnny Weissmuller (Olympic swimmer/Tarzan actor) (46) Stephen Crane (writer) (47) Issy Bonn (comédian) (48) George Bernard Shaw (writer) (49) H.C. Westermann (en) (sculptor) (50) Albert Stubbins (English footballer) (51) Sri Lahiri Mahasaya (Hindu guru) (52) Lewis Carroll (writer) (53) T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) (54) Sonny Liston (54A) Unidentified (55) A Petty Girl (by George Petty) (56A) Sophia Loren (actress) (58) Shirley Temple (actress) (58A) Marcello Mastroianni (actor) (61) Albert Einstein (physicist) (65A) Bette Davis (actress) (65B) Timothy Carey (actor) (66) Bobby Breen (singer) (67) Marlene Dietrich (actress/singer) (68) Gandhi (Indian leader) (69) An American legionnaire (70) Diana Dors (actress) (71) Shirley Temple (C) Adolf Hitler (has been replaced)
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SMILING GANDHIJI - OIL PAINTING BY RAJASEKHARAN. He used different color tones to the painting.
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The statue of Mahatma Gandhi at Gandhi mandap atop Sarania hill, Guwahati, Assam.
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the statue, showcasing Gandhi with a smiling look, will spread the message of world peace and motivate all to bridge the divide between the rich and poor.
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The idol of mahatma gandhi with his grand son (Dandi Yatra) at Bheemili Beach, Visakhapatnam
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Bitte wähle einen anderen, besser beschreibenden Dateinamen.
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Walking Stick gifted by Mahatma Gandhi to Vetapalem Library
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Gandhijis hand writing in Karunagapally Lalaji librarys visitors book
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Stehender Gandhi-Kragen mit Knopf.
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Gandhis Kleidung, die zum Zeitpunkt des Mordes getragen wurde, wird in einem Museum in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, Indien, aufbewahrt.
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Mahatma Gandhijis Belongings
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Gandhijis footprints-taken this photo from his Delhi house .
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గాంధీ గారు ఆ రోజుల్లో వాడిన సామగ్రి ఇలా తన మ్యుజియం లో దర్సనం ఇస్తునాయి.
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గాంధీ గారు ఆఖరి జ్ఞాపకాలు మీ కోసం...

Verwandte Themen

Fakten über Mahatma Gandhi

  • Wodurch ist Mahatma Gandhi bekannt?

    Mahatma Gandhi war ein 🙋‍♂️ indischer Rechtsanwalt und Pazifist

  • Wie alt wurde Mahatma Gandhi?

    Mahatma Gandhi erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 78 Jahren.

  • Wann hat Mahatma Gandhi Geburtstag?

    Mahatma Gandhi wurde an einem Samstag am ⭐ 2. Oktober 1869 geboren.

  • Wo wurde Mahatma Gandhi geboren?

    Mahatma Gandhi wurde in 🚩 Porbandar, Gujarat, Indien, geboren.

  • Wann starb Mahatma Gandhi?

    Mahatma Gandhi ist am ✟ 30. Januar 1948 in Neu-Delhi, Indien, gestorben.

  • In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Mahatma Gandhi geboren?

    Mahatma Gandhi wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♎ Waage geboren.

  • Wie groß war Mahatma Gandhi?

    Mahatma Gandhi hatte eine Größe von ca. 📏 1,64 m. Damit ist er kleiner als die meisten deutschen Männer. Laut Statistik von 2021 beträgt die durchschnittliche Körpergröße eines Mannes in Deutschland 1,79 m.

Mehr Geburtstage am 2. Oktober

Mehr 78jährige Prominente

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