Muhammad Ali †

Steckbrief von Muhammad Ali

Name:Muhammad Ali
Geburtsname: Cassius Marcellus junior Clay
Beruf:US-amerikanischer Boxer
Alter:74 Jahre
Geburtsdatum:17. Januar 1942
Geburtsort:Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Todesdatum:3. Juni 2016
Sterbeort:Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Größe:1,91 m

Muhammad Ali, geboren am 17. Januar 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, und verstorben am 3. Juni 2016 in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA war ein US-amerikanischer Boxer und der Einzige, der den Titel des unumstrittenen Weltmeisters dreimal in seiner Karriere gewinnen konnte. Bekannt wurde er zunächst unter seinem Namen Cassius Clay (bis 1964). Er gehörte zu den bedeutendsten Schwergewichtsboxern und herausragendsten Sportathleten des 20. Jahrhunderts überhaupt und wurde 1999 vom Internationalen Olympischen Komitee zum „Sportler des Jahrhunderts“ gewählt. Vor allem die in den 1970er Jahren über TV weltweit ausgestrahlten Boxkämpfe mit Joe Frazier (3-mal, 1971–1975), Ken Norton (3-mal, 1973–1976) und der Rumble in the Jungle gegen George Foreman (1974) gelten als Klassiker unter den Schwergewichtskämpfen.

Außerhalb des Boxrings sorgte Ali als Prominenter ebenfalls, insbesondere in den USA, immer wieder für politische Schlagzeilen. So lehnte er öffentlich den Vietnamkrieg ab, verweigerte den Wehrdienst, unterstützte die Emanzipationsbewegung der Afroamerikaner und trat der Organisation Nation of Islam bei.

Mehr über Muhammad Ali auf Wikipedia

Zitate von Muhammad Ali

Nicht nur George Foreman wird fallen, Berge werden einstürzen.


Ali vor dem "Rumble in the Jungle", zitiert in: Stern, 6. August 2004, Sportwelt, Muhammad Ali - The Greatest, Gerhard Waldherr,
Schwebe wie ein Schmetterling, stich wie eine Biene – seine Hände können nicht treffen was seine Augen nicht sehen.


Ali vor dem "Rumble in the Jungle", 1974, zitiert in: The Guardian, 4. Juni 2016, Muhammad Aliʼs best quotesʼ
Wer nur davon ʼʼträumtʼʼ, mich zu schlagen, sollte aufwachen und sich dafür entschuldigen.


zitiert in: Stern, 6. August 2004, Sportwelt, Muhammad Ali - The Greatest, Gerhard Waldherr,

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Muhammad Ali wurde in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, geboren.

Bilder zum Thema Muhammad Ali

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Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox testified before a Senate Committee today about the importance of funding to combat Parkinsons Disease.
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Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox testified before a Senate Committee about the importance of funding to combat Parkinsons Disease.
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Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox testified before a Senate Committee today about the importance of funding to combat Parkinsons Disease.
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On May 22, I introduced Muhammad Ali, a Michigan resident, at the Appropriations Committees Labor-HHS Subcommittee.
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Bust photographic portrait of Muhammad Ali in 1967. World Journal Tribune photo by Ira Rosenberg.
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Muhammad Ali has lunch with Olympic boxers Mark Simmons and Troy Ross at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia.

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As Mrs. Lonnie Ali looks on, President George W. Bush shakes hands with three-time heavyweight boxing champion of the world Muhammad Ali after presenting him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2005, during ceremonies in the East Room of the White House. Photo by Paul Morse, Courtesy of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum
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Muhammad Ali erhält die Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Princeton
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500px provided description: Muhammad Ali 1973 [#boxing ,#Ali]
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Watching a story about Muhammad Ali on the Today Show. Made me think back to the day I met the greatest. It was in the 1993 at the old Bakery Center. I went to have a magazine signed by The Greatest during a book signing at Books & Books. Although everyone was happy to get their book signed, say a few nice words, and move on; I being a 23 year old said what the heck, why not ask for a picture with him. I said, Champ, mind if I take a picture with you? Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Ali, by that time, stopped speaking publicly for all practical matters. Ali looked at me and said, come around here boy!. Of course, I did, going around the signing table. Then he grabbed me by the neck and asked me do you know who I am? I said of course, your are The Champ. He said no, I am the greatest of All Time!!! and pretended to knock me out. Everyone started cheering and applauding! He then proceeded to sign my magazine. One of the greatest moments of my life!!
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Muhammad Ali with wife Veronica Porche at a fundraiser in Baltimore, MD in 1977.
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Signed photo and quote from Muhammad Ali to Richard Turner
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An qualifying match for the 1960 Summer Olympics between Allen Hudson (left) vs Cassius Clay (right), who later became known as Muhammad Ali.
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Curt Anderson interviews Muhammad Ali
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President Barack Obama looks at photos of Muhammad Ali during a taping on reflections of Muhammad Ali for Facebook Live in the Oval Office, June 9, 2016. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
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Murphy, in 1977, at a luncheon for Muhammad Ali (pictured with wife Veronica Porche in Baltimore, Maryland
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Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Bokser Cassius Clay (USA (1966) (Mohammed Ali) Annotatie : Repronegatief Datum : 25 februari 1971 Trefwoorden : boksers Persoonsnaam : Cassius Clay Fotograaf : Fotograaf Onbekend / Anefo Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaal Archief Materiaalsoort : Negatief (zwart/wit) Nummer archiefinventaris : bekijk toegang Bestanddeelnummer : 924-3060
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Cassius Clay, 1970 - El Grafico del 01 de Diciembre de 1970. Edicion 2669
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El Gráfico del 01 de Diciembre de 1970. Edición 2669.
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Boxing light-heavyweight podium 1960 Olympics
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El Grafico del 04 de Marzo de 1964. Edicion 2317
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Boxer Cassius Clay giving press conference after his victory over Archie Moore
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Muhammad Alis story as told to Joe McLaughlin in the days before he changed his name from Cassius Clay.
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Central Phoenix, AZ: W Thomas Road, Muhammad Ali Parkinsons Center, Lonnie and Muhammad Ali Pavilion, Midtown Buildings, 2011
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Øyeblikket rett etter Clay har slått Liston
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Muhammad Ali and Don Mattrick of Electronic Arts backstage at the 2004 Xbox conference, Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles. Ali supported the Electronic Arts title, Fight Night, at the event.
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Elijah Muhammad addresses followers including Muhammad Ali / World Telegram & Sun photo by Stanley Wolfson.
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The photo contact sheet, identified as A9263 by the White House Photographic Office (WHPO), is housed at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, a branch of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). This file is a 200 dpi photo contact sheet having images from roll of film A9263 of the August 9, 1974 - January 20, 1977 Gerald R. Ford White House Photographic Office Series A0001-A9999 and B0001-B2886 photographs. The date on the photo contact sheet is the date the roll of film was processed, not necessarily the date the photographs were taken. See table below for additional details.
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Joe Frazier vs Muhammad Ali
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Cassius Clay y Joe Frazier - El Grafico del 08 de Enero de 1974. Edicion 2831
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Refusers of the Vietnam War - Francesco Da Vinci and Muhammad Ali
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Madison Square Garden
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Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Mohammed Ali bezoekt Volendam; Ali deelt handtekeningen uit aan Volendamse meisjes Datum : 8 maart 1976 Locatie : Noord-Holland, Volendam Trefwoorden : HANDTEKENINGEN, MEISJES, boksers Persoonsnaam : ALI Fotograaf : Verhoeff, Bert / Anefo Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaal Archief Materiaalsoort : Negatief (zwart/wit) Nummer archiefinventaris : bekijk toegang Bestanddeelnummer : 928-4534
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Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Mohammed Ali bezoekt Volendam; Ali wandelt in Volendam Datum : 8 maart 1976 Locatie : Noord-Holland, Volendam Trefwoorden : boksers Persoonsnaam : ALI Fotograaf : Verhoeff, Bert / Anefo Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaal Archief Materiaalsoort : Negatief (zwart/wit) Nummer archiefinventaris : bekijk toegang Bestanddeelnummer : 928-4535
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Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Mohammed Ali bezoekt Volendam; Ali wandelt in Volendam Datum : 8 maart 1976 Locatie : Noord-Holland, Volendam Trefwoorden : boksers Persoonsnaam : ALI Fotograaf : Verhoeff, Bert / Anefo Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaal Archief Materiaalsoort : Negatief (zwart/wit) Nummer archiefinventaris : bekijk toegang Bestanddeelnummer : 928-4536
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Muhammad Ali
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Am 26. Dezember 1971 hallt nachts um elf der Gong: Im Zürcher Hallenstadion gibt der Schweizer Ringrichter Sepp Suter den Ring frei zur ersten Runde des Preiskampfs zwischen dem US-amerikanischen Schwergewichtsboxer Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) und seinem westdeutschen Widersacher Jürgen Blin. Das Copyright liegt bei Eric Bachmann Fotoarchiv.
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Title: Muhammad Ali Creator(s): Gotfryd, Bernard, photographer Date Created/Published: [ca. 1975] Medium: 1 photograph : color transparency ; 35mm (slide format) Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-gtfy-00140 (digital file from original) Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication. For information see Bernard Gotfryd,( Access Advisory: Please use digital image: original slide is kept in cold storage for preservation. Call Number: LC-GB05- 140 [P&P] Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA Notes: Title from slide mount and other caption information provided by the photographer. Photo agency: Woodfin Camp & Associates 116 East 27th Street, New York. Gotfryd set no.: CI-477-001-A. Gift; Bernard Gotfryd; 2004; (DLC/PP-2004:032). Subjects: United States. USA: Sports: Boxing Format: Slides--Color--1970-1980. Part of: Bernard Gotfryd photograph collection (Library of Congress) Bookmark This Record:
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Title: Muhammad Ali Creator(s): Gotfryd, Bernard, photographer Date Created/Published: [ca. 1975] Medium: 1 photograph : color transparency ; 35mm (slide format) Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-gtfy-00140 (digital file from original) Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication. For information see Bernard Gotfryd,( Access Advisory: Please use digital image: original slide is kept in cold storage for preservation. Call Number: LC-GB05- 140 [P&P] Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA Notes: Title from slide mount and other caption information provided by the photographer. Photo agency: Woodfin Camp & Associates 116 East 27th Street, New York. Gotfryd set no.: CI-477-001-A. Gift; Bernard Gotfryd; 2004; (DLC/PP-2004:032). Subjects: United States. USA: Sports: Boxing Format: Slides--Color--1970-1980. Part of: Bernard Gotfryd photograph collection (Library of Congress) Bookmark This Record:
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Portrait painting of Muhammad Ali (1942-2016); American professional boxer and social activist. He is regarded as one of the most significant sports figures of the 20th century. In 1967, Ali refused to be drafted into the military, owing to his ethical opposition to the Vietnam War, and was found guilty of draft evasion and stripped of his boxing titles. He stayed out of prison while appealing the decision to the Supreme Court, where his conviction was overturned in 1971. Alis actions as a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War made him an icon for the larger counterculture of the 1960s generation, and he was a very high-profile figure of racial pride for African Americans during the civil rights movement and throughout his career. Object Source: Black and white photo (Public Domain, 1971, Author:AP Wirephoto) from Wikimedia Commons. This photo was taken in 1971 after his first professional loss which was against Joe Frasier. Ali and Frasier fought two more times; Ali won both matches. Painting created with water colour paint, color pencils, acrylic background, and gel pen on white paper.
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President Jimmy Carter greets Muhammad Ali at a White House dinner celebrating the signing of the Panama Canal Treaty, Washington, D.C. To the left is the wife of Ali, Veronica Porché Ali, then expecting the birth of their first child together, Laila Ali.
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As Mrs. Lonnie Ali looks on, President George W. Bush embraces three-time heavyweight boxing champion of the world Muhammad Ali after presenting him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2005, during ceremonies at the White House.
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Muhammad Ali waving to a crowd from his car at the Watts Summer Festival
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Muhammad Ali Boulevard, Louisville, Kentucky, United States.
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Muhammad Ali Boxing Robe, Antonio Inoki Exhibition in Osaka, 2023
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Boxer Muhammad Ali making way through crowd during retirement salute at the Forum in Inglewood, California
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Muhammad Ali passing a bicycle in a visit to Volendam.
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Muhammad Ali signing autographs for Volendam girls. Right: Ruud ter Weijden
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Muhammad Ali vs. Jürgen Blin on December 26, 1971 at Zürichs Hallenstadion, Switzerland.
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Muhammad Ali vs. Jürgen Blin on December 26, 1971 at Zürichs Hallenstadion, Switzerland.
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Muhammad Ali vs. Jürgen Blin on December 26, 1971 at Zürichs Hallenstadion, Switzerland.
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Muhammad Ali vs. Jürgen Blin on December 26, 1971 at Zürichs Hallenstadion, Switzerland.
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Muhammad Ali vs. Jürgen Blin on December 26, 1971 at Zürichs Hallenstadion, Switzerland.
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Muhammad Ali vs. Jürgen Blin on December 26, 1971 at Zürichs Hallenstadion, Switzerland.
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FAIR TRADE—Reflecting the even terms on which they fought, Muhammad Ali (right) and Ken Norton grimace as they exchange hard punches in mid-ring. A final-round rally by Ali in 12th proved to be decisive.
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Muhammad Ali vs. Antonio Inoki Ticket, Antonio Inoki Exhibition in Osaka, 2023
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A pair of Muhammad Alis boxing gloves, on display at the National Museum of American History, Washington, DC.
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Title: Muhammad Ali Creator(s): Gotfryd, Bernard, photographer Date Created/Published: [ca. 1975] Medium: 1 photograph : color transparency ; 35mm (slide format) Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-gtfy-00140 (digital file from original) Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication. For information see Bernard Gotfryd,( Access Advisory: Please use digital image: original slide is kept in cold storage for preservation. Call Number: LC-GB05- 140 [P&P] Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA Notes: Title from slide mount and other caption information provided by the photographer. Photo agency: Woodfin Camp & Associates 116 East 27th Street, New York. Gotfryd set no.: CI-477-001-A. Gift; Bernard Gotfryd; 2004; (DLC/PP-2004:032). Subjects: United States. USA: Sports: Boxing Format: Slides--Color--1970-1980. Part of: Bernard Gotfryd photograph collection (Library of Congress) Bookmark This Record:
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Title: Muhammad Ali Creator(s): Gotfryd, Bernard, photographer Date Created/Published: [ca. 1975] Medium: 1 photograph : color transparency ; 35mm (slide format) Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-gtfy-00140 (digital file from original) Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication. For information see Bernard Gotfryd,( Access Advisory: Please use digital image: original slide is kept in cold storage for preservation. Call Number: LC-GB05- 140 [P&P] Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA Notes: Title from slide mount and other caption information provided by the photographer. Photo agency: Woodfin Camp & Associates 116 East 27th Street, New York. Gotfryd set no.: CI-477-001-A. Gift; Bernard Gotfryd; 2004; (DLC/PP-2004:032). Subjects: United States. USA: Sports: Boxing Format: Slides--Color--1970-1980. Part of: Bernard Gotfryd photograph collection (Library of Congress) Bookmark This Record:
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Muhammad Alis arrival at Zürich International Airport on December 16, 1971 for his fight against Jürgen Blin.
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Muhammad Alis arrival at Zürich International Airport on December 16, 1971 for his fight against Jürgen Blin.
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Muhammad Alis arrival at Zürich International Airport on December 16, 1971 for his fight against Jürgen Blin.
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Муха́ммед Али́, американский боксёр, один из самых известных боксёров в истории мирового бокса, прибывший в Москву по приглашению Сергея Павлова. Москва 1970.
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Muhammad Ali und Sri Chinmoy.
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Am 26. Dezember 1971 hallt nachts um elf der Gong: Im Zürcher Hallenstadion gibt der Schweizer Ringrichter Sepp Suter den Ring frei zur ersten Runde des Preiskampfs zwischen dem US-amerikanischen Schwergewichtsboxer Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) und seinem westdeutschen Widersacher Jürgen Blin. Mehr informationen unter
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C12575-27A, President Reagan punching Muhammad Ali in the oval office.1/24/83
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Muhammad Ali receives the Olympic Flag at the London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony, Olympic Stadium, Friday 27 July 2012.
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تكريم الملاكم محمد علي في بداية دورة الألعاب الأولمبية لندن ٢٠١٢
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Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Opening Boksschool Straatman in Den Haag door Ben Bril (scheidsrechter) Datum : 18 april 1968 Locatie : Den Haag, Zuid-Holland Trefwoorden : Openingen, boksers, scheidsrechters, scholen Fotograaf : Kroon, Ron / Anefo Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaal Archief Materiaalsoort : Negatief (zwart/wit) Nummer archiefinventaris : bekijk toegang Bestanddeelnummer : 921-2636
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Sen. Orrin Hatch visits with friend Muhammad Ali. Despite their disparate backgrounds, Hatch and Ali worked together for years on childrens issues and charity fundraising. Ali said of Hatch, He was such a gentleman. He was so polite and courteous...I dont think hes got a prejudiced bone in his body. 1991
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Palestra Muhammad Ali realizzata a Quarantoli (Mirandola) a seguito del terremoto, finanziata dal Comune di Mirandola, Movimento 5 Stelle, Regione Emilia-Romagna e Polisportiva Mirandolese
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Bitte wähle einen anderen, besser beschreibenden Dateinamen.
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Scope and content: This item is a photograph of President William Jefferson Clinton at the Italian American Dinner at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC. President Clinton stands with Muhammad Ali. The image was photographed by Sharon Farmer.
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President George W. Bush Embraces Muhammad Ali, 2005 Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, 11/9/2005
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President Ronald Reagan Punching Muhammad Ali in The Oval Office, 1/24/1983
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Ive always tried to be good to everyone no matter their color, religion, or position in life. Though some people may see themselves as better or more important than others, in Gods eyes we are all equal, and its what is in our hearts that matter. (Quote from his book The Soul of a Butterfly) Ich habe immer versucht, gut zu jeden zu sein unabhängig von seiner Hautfarbe, Religion oder Position im Leben. Obwohl einige Menschen sich als besser oder wichtiger als andere betrachten, in Gottes Augen sind wir alle gleich und es zählt was in unserem Herzen ist. (Zitat aus seinem Buch Mit dem Herzen eines Schmetterlings)
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Street-Art in Lebensgröße, gesprüht von Kadir Cildir in der Kleinstadt Herbrechtingen in Deutschland (zwischen Rathaus und Jugendhaus)
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gesprüht von Kadir Cildir in der Kleinstadt Herbrechtingen zwischen dem Jugendhaus und dem Rathaus
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Sultan Kigab
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Sultan Kigab
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Left to right: Muhammad Ali, Charlie Frye, Skeeter Reece.
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CHAMPS DAY—Mayor Tom Bradley and retired boxing champion Muhammad Ali in laughter as Bradley proclaims Sept. 6 Muhammad Ali Day in Los Angeles. A concert will be held at the Forum that evening in Alis honor. Proceeds will go to the U.S. Olympic Boxing Program.
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A chart that represents former an current world heavyweight boxing champions by number of opponents beaten in world heavyweight title fights. The list does not include The Ring and lineal championship fights after 1921, although it only includes heavyweight champions that captured undisputed championship (1922–present), lineal championship (1885–1921) or The Ring championship (1922–1989, 2002–). The list only includes title reigns during which the champion: 1. has won undisputed championship (1922–present), The Ring championship (1922–1989, 2002–), lineal championship (1885–1921) 2. unified the titles 3. defeated a fighter that either had to drop his own world title prior to the fight due to organizations championship policy or would later become the world champion, while the winners reign was still active
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Domenico Urbano and Muhammad Alì
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Yvon Becaus en Cassius Clay in Rome 1960
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Muhammad Ali visited South Korea and attended a diner party at Joseon Hotel on June 27, 1976.
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Muhammad Ali visited South Korea and attended a diner party at Joseon Hotel on June 27, 1976.
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Muhammad Ali visited South Korea and attended a diner party at Joseon Hotel on June 27, 1976.

Verwandte Themen

Fakten über Muhammad Ali

  • Wodurch ist Muhammad Ali bekannt?

    Muhammad Ali war ein 🙋‍♂️ US-amerikanischer Boxer

  • Wie hieß Muhammad Ali mit gebürtigem Namen?

    Der Geburtsname von Muhammad Ali lautet Cassius Marcellus junior Clay.

  • Wie alt wurde Muhammad Ali?

    Muhammad Ali erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 74 Jahren.

  • Wann hat Muhammad Ali Geburtstag?

    Muhammad Ali wurde an einem Samstag am ⭐ 17. Januar 1942 geboren.

  • Wo wurde Muhammad Ali geboren?

    Muhammad Ali wurde in 🚩 Louisville, Kentucky, USA, geboren.

  • Wann starb Muhammad Ali?

    Muhammad Ali ist am ✟ 3. Juni 2016 in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, gestorben.

  • Woran verstarb Muhammad Ali?

    Muhammad Ali erkrankte 1984 an der Parkinson-Krankheit. Ein Zusammenhang der Krankheit mit dem Boxen konnte nie belegt werden. Muhammad Ali wurde in einem Krankenhaus in Scottsdale, Arizona, wegen Atemproblemen behandelt. Laut dem Pressesprecher der Familie starb Muhammad Ali an einer Blutvergiftung in Folge unspezifizierter natürlicher Ursachen. Dies sei auf die jahrzehntelange Parkinson-Erkrankung zurückzuführen.

  • In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Muhammad Ali geboren?

    Muhammad Ali wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♑ Steinbock geboren. Nach der chinesischen Astrologie ist sein Tierkreiszeichen die Schlange 蛇 mit dem Element Metall ('Metall-Schlange').

  • Wie groß war Muhammad Ali?

    Muhammad Ali hatte eine Größe von ca. 📏 1,91 m. Damit ist er größer als die meisten deutschen Männer. Laut Statistik von 2021 beträgt die durchschnittliche Körpergröße eines Mannes in Deutschland 1,79 m.

  • Welche Haarfarbe hatte Muhammad Ali?

    Die Haarfarbe von Muhammad Ali war 🧑🏼‍ schwarz.

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