Nāser ad-Din Schāh Steckbrief von Nāser ad-Din Schāh Name: Nāser ad-Din Schāh Beruf: persischer Schah (1848–1896) Alter: 64 Jahre †Geburtsdatum: 16. Juli 1831 Geburtsort: Täbris , Iran Todesdatum: 1. Mai 1896 Sterbeort: Teheran, Iran Todesursache: Mordanschlag Sternzeichen: Krebs Größe: unbekannt
Nāser ad-Din Schāh war von 1848 bis 1896 Schah von Persien. Nāser ad-Din Schah, ältester Sohn von Mohammed Schah, entstammte der Dynastie der Kadscharen. Durch seine lange, absolutistische Regierungszeit und sein Interesse an europäischen Ideen hat er die Entwicklung Persiens in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts entscheidend geprägt. Naser ad-Din Schah war mit 25 Frauen verheiratet, die ihm 14 Söhne und eine nicht überlieferte Zahl von Töchtern gebaren.
Mehr über Nāser ad-Din Schāh auf Wikipedia
Nāser ad-Din Schāh wurde in Täbris, Iran, geboren.
Bilder zum Thema Nāser ad-Din Schāh Photograph; Photographs A book by Jean-Baptiste Feuvrier A book by Jean-Baptiste Feuvrier A book by Jean-Baptiste Feuvrier A book by Jean-Baptiste Feuvrier A book by Jean-Baptiste Feuvrier Alle 58 Bilder anzeigen
A book by Jean-Baptiste Feuvrier A book by Jean-Baptiste Feuvrier A book by Jean-Baptiste Feuvrier A strikingly illuminated late 19th century Manuscript Almanac or Horoscope. N.P.: N.D. ca. 1871 paper, ink, leather, gilt 4to (9 7/8 x 3 3/4 in.; 251 x 171mm). 30pp. manuscript text in red, black, and blue ink, margins with multiple rules in blue, red, green and gilt, several leaves with illuminations of intricate arabesques and floral motifs in blue, red, pink, orange, silver and gilt; leaves brittle, some loose. Later full brown limp calf trimmed with black, overs with double rules, cornerpieces, decorative border, and filigree centrepiece, all gilt; some rubbing to spin and corners. Catalogue Note A stunningly illuminated horoscope, with mentions of the Persian king, Nasir al-Din Shah The horoscope opens by mentioning the science of astrology, with quotes from Shi’i authors, starting with ‘Ali ibn Tawus, and what he reported from various Shi’i Imams on the subject. The main text pertains to predictions for the year, starting with the spring equinox, which fell on 29 Dhu’l-hajjah, corresponding to the 21 March 1871 (in our modern calculation it falls on 22 March). The author also gives corresponding dates in numerous calendars. The horoscope is calculated for the Nasiri Capital City (i.e. Tehran). In the text and in the marginal notes, the scribe or author occasionally gives good wishes to the king without mentioning his name (presumably Nasir al-Din Shah, who reigned from 1848-96). Each pair of pages addresses a single month, and gives equivalents dates in Christian (with the author calling it French), Roman, and Russian. These are complete with signs of the zodiac, and possible events on given days (in red) in the right columns. All recommendations for what to do—or not to do—on various days of the month are recorded in the wide central column. ALBUM OF MILITARY UNIFORMS OF THE QAJAR COURT Qajar Iran, mid-19th century Gouache heightened with gold on paper, thirty five drawings of coats, trousers and epaulettes, inscribed above in black in Persian, some water staining, in contemporary floral lacquer binding Folio 13 1/8 x 8¼in. (33.3 x 20.7cm.) The album contains paintings of the uniforms of different military ranks of the Royal arsenal. Influenced by European miltary uniforms, they probably date from the period of Nasir al-Din Shah (1848-1896 AD). Nasseredin Shah with Malijak middle and Etemad ol Saltaneh. One of Antoin Sevruguins historical Iran photographs. Coat of arms of the Qajar dynasty. The first heraldic version of this coat of arms was ordered by Fath Ali Shah (1797-1834). This version in particular dates to the 1860s. Cover of The Diary of H.M. the Shah of Persia during his tour through Europe in A.D. 1873 Dic-Nasser-edin Shah Golestan Palace Door in the name of Nasir al-Din Shah - Iran, Tehran or Shiraz - 1859-1860 - National museum of Iran - 26295 - Wood, mosaic of tiny fragments ( khatamkari) Garter encircled arms of Naser al-Din, Shah of Persia, as displayed on his Order of the Garter stall plate in St. Georges Chapel. تمثال مبارک اقدس همایونی است روحنا فداه با پیشخدمتان که در سیاهبیشه عکس افتاده است در مراجعت از کلاردشت (تاریخ بر اساس نگارهّای قبلی در این مجموعه: ۲۷ مرداد ۱۲۷۳) keine Bildbeschreibung keine Bildbeschreibung keine Bildbeschreibung keine Bildbeschreibung keine Bildbeschreibung keine Bildbeschreibung در چوبی خاتم کاری مقبره محمدشاه قاجار ابعاد: 141*215 سانتیمتر کاتب: ابوالفضل بن فضل الله ساوجی این اثر توسط استاد احمد شیرازی در زمان ناصرالدین شاه قاجارٰ، جهت مقبره محمدشاه قاجار واقع در صحن عتیق به سال 1264 هجری قمری ساخته شده است. نگهداری شده در موزه آستانه مقدسه قم کالسکه ناصرالدین شاه قاجار که آخرین بار در جریان ترور وی مورد استفاده قرار گرفت در موزه خودروهای تاریخی ایران. روز افتتاح موزه خودروهای تاریخی ایران، صبح ۱ آبان ۱۴۰۰ با حضور سید پرویز فتاح رئیس بنیاد مستضعفان و سید عزتالله ضرغامی وزیر میراث فرهنگی، گردشگری و صنایع دستی. موزه خودروهای تاریخی ایران Seal of Nasir al-Din Shah Leaving Antwerp in the Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert, His Majesty the Shah, waves about to leave. Illustration for The Illustrated London News, 6 July 1889. Date: Saturday, July 6, 1889. Volume: 95, Issue: 2620, page 5 Read the ILN A LETTER IN THE HAND OF NASIR AL-DIN SHAH QAJAR IRAN, DATED AH 1309/1891-2 AD Thanking a gentleman for his services, in rewards for which the Shah is sending him a diamond ring, Persian manuscript on paper, with 8ll. of script in clouds on gold and polychrome illuminated ground, the headpiece with a large boteh and the letter N and the royal crown, the borders profusely illuminated, framed 7¼ x 11in. (18.5 x 28cm.) visible LETTER OF THANKS FROM THE ARMENIANS RESIDENT IN LONDON TO NASR AL-DIN SHAH OF IRAN DATED JULY 4 1889 In English, from the Armenians resident in London to Nasr al-Din Shah of Iran. Manuscript on paper, 26ll. of gothic script with green capital letters outlined in gold, the heading in green with gold capitalization, the left margin with green trailing vine, at the top a Qajar crown surmounting the dynastic emblem of lion holding a sword, the document signed by five prominent Armenians resident in London 21¾ x 14¾in. (55.3cm x 37.3cm.) A letter addressed to His Imperial Majesty Nasr al-Din Shah-in-Shah of Persia, in English, signed by prominent Armenians in London on July 4th 1889, presented during His Majestys second trip to England. It is signed to Your Imperial Majesty: Most humble and most dutiful servants on behalf of the Armenians resident in London. The co-signatories are Petrus Aganoor, G.Hagopian, S.G. Sukiasian and others. The above have thanked the Shah for his treatment of the Armenian community and the Armenians in Iran during his reign (1848-1896) and for assigning important government roles to Armenians. 1209019vv Travel of Naser al Din Shah Group portrait of members of the Royal court of Nasar al-Din Shah Qajar, the Shah of Persia. 1860s. Albumen print. 20,5 x 27 cm. Mounted to card (buckled, cropped), annotated in ink below the image on the mount. میکروسکوپ متعلق به ناصر الدین شاه قاجار السلطان ناصرالدین شاه Naser al-Din Shah Qajar in his early youth اسلحه کمری - ناصرالدین شاه - تاریخ حک شده بر دسته اسلحه 1887 Nasser-din Shah statute at Golestan Palace Paintings by Kamal-ol-molk in the Golestan Palace Paintings by Kamal-ol-molk in the Golestan Palace Paintings by Kamal-ol-molk in the Golestan Palace Paintings by Kamal-ol-molk in the Golestan Palace Paintings by Kamal-ol-molk in the Golestan Palace Statue of Naseroddin Shah Qajar riding a horse in the middle of Bagheshah (King Garden) in Tehran in the 1900s. The emblem of the Iranian Imperial government Lion & Sun is visible on the base of the statue. keine Bildbeschreibung تالار سلام کاح گلستان Shah Abdul Azim, Nasser-din Shah tomb Shah Abdul Azim, Nasser-din Shah tomb Shah Abdul Azim, Nasser-din Shah tomb Tomb of Nassereddin Shah in Shah Abdol Azim Mosque One page of the book of the king Nase al-din of Gajar of Iran. قلمرو کشورهای افغانستان، ایران، خیوه، بخارا، پنجاب، بلوچستان و سند در سال ۱۸۴۹ میلادی. مشخص شدن منطقه مورد درگیری هرات با رنگ نارنجی keine Bildbeschreibung keine Bildbeschreibung مهر ناصرالدین شاه قاجار نشانه سرنامههای ناصرالدینشاه نشانه سرنامههای ناصرالدینشاه Fakten über Nāser ad-Din Schāh Wodurch ist Nāser ad-Din Schāh bekannt?
Nāser ad-Din Schāh war ein 🙋♂️ persischer Schah (1848–1896)
Wie alt wurde Nāser ad-Din Schāh?
Nāser ad-Din Schāh erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 64 Jahren.
Wann hat Nāser ad-Din Schāh Geburtstag?
Nāser ad-Din Schāh wurde an einem Samstag am ⭐ 16. Juli 1831 geboren.
Wo wurde Nāser ad-Din Schāh geboren?
Nāser ad-Din Schāh wurde in 🚩 Täbris, Iran, geboren.
Wann starb Nāser ad-Din Schāh?
Nāser ad-Din Schāh ist am ✟ 1. Mai 1896 in Teheran, Iran, gestorben.
Woran verstarb Nāser ad-Din Schāh?
Nāser ad-Din Schāh fiel einem Mordanschlag zum Opfer.
In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Nāser ad-Din Schāh geboren?
Nāser ad-Din Schāh wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♋ Krebs geboren.
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