Robert Falcon Scott, geboren am 6. Juni 1868 in Devonport bei Plymouth, England, und verstorben am 29. März 1912 in Ross-Schelfeis, Arktis war ein britischer Marineoffizier und Polarforscher. Er leitete die Discovery-Expedition (1901–1904) und die Terra-Nova-Expedition (1910–1913), zwei Forschungsreisen während des sogenannten Goldenen Zeitalters der Antarktisforschung. Er zählt zu den ersten zehn Menschen, die den geographischen Südpol erreichten.
Zunächst durchlief Scott eine Offizierslaufbahn in der Royal Navy. Als seine Karriere ins Stocken geraten war, ergriff er die Gelegenheit, das Kommando auf dem Forschungsschiff Discovery zu übernehmen. Nach eigenem Bekunden entsprang diese Entscheidung seinem persönlichen Ehrgeiz und nicht einer besonderen Vorliebe für die Polarforschung. Während der von ihm geleiteten Discovery-Expedition unternahm er zwischen November 1902 und Februar 1903 gemeinsam mit Edward Wilson und Ernest Shackleton einen Vorstoß Richtung Südpol, bei dem die drei Männer mit dem Erreichen der geographischen Breite von 82° 17′ S einen neuen Südrekord aufstellten. Scotts Entscheidung nach der Rückkehr ins Basislager, den seiner Ansicht nach dienstuntauglichen Shackleton entgegen dessen Willen nach Hause zu schicken, gab Anlass zu einer noch heute geführten Diskussion über eine tiefe Rivalität beider Polarforscher.
Nachdem Shackleton mit seinem eigenen Versuch, während der Nimrod-Expedition (1907–1909) den Südpol zu erreichen, knapp gescheitert war, unternahm Scott anlässlich der Terra-Nova-Expedition einen neuerlichen Anlauf. Dieser entwickelte sich zu einem Wettstreit mit dem norwegischen Polarforscher Roald Amundsen. Scott erreichte den Pol am 18. Januar 1912 mit der Erkenntnis, dass Amundsen und dessen vierköpfige Mannschaft ihm rund einen Monat zuvorgekommen waren. Auf dem Rückweg zum Basislager starben Scott und seine vier Begleiter an Unterernährung, Krankheit und Unterkühlung.
Scott wurde in seiner Heimat durch seinen als heroisch empfundenen Tod jahrzehntelang als selbstaufopfernder Nationalheld stilisiert. Erst zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts begann eine differenziertere Betrachtung und Neubewertung seiner Person.
Mehr über Robert Scott auf Wikipedia
Robert Scott wurde in Devonport bei Plymouth, England, geboren.
Bilder zum Thema Robert Scott Plaque on the Scott Statue, Christchurch, New Zealand A Burroughs Wellcome Co sledge case medicine chest. Used on the British Antarctic Expedition Wellcome Images Keywords: Polar; Terra Nova; Exploration; Antarctic; British Antarctic Expedition; Robert Falcon Scott A Burroughs Wellcome Co sledge case medicine chest. Used on the British Antarctic Expedition Wellcome Images Keywords: Polar; Terra Nova; Exploration; Antarctic; British Antarctic Expedition; Robert Falcon Scott A Burroughs Wellcome Co medicine chest used on the British Antarctic Expedition Wellcome Images Keywords: Polar; Terra Nova; Exploration; Antarctic; British Antarctic Expedition; Robert Falcon Scott keine Bildbeschreibung Offiziere an Bord der Discovery während der British Antarctic Expedition (1901-1904). V.l.n.r.: Edward Adrian Wilson, Ernest Henry Shackleton, Albert Armitage, Michael Barne, Dr. Reginald Koettlitz, Reginald Skelton, Robert Falcon Scott, Charles Royds, Louis Bernacchi, Hartley Travers Ferrar, Thomas V. Hodgson. Alle 55 Bilder anzeigen
Camp on Ferrar Glacier, c. 1912. Photograph by Robert Scott. Title: Capt. R.F. Scott Abstract/medium: 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller. EXPEDITION: Captain R F Scott and another man on vessell, 1911, on their way to the South Pole. Wellcome Images Keywords: 1911; captain f r scott; Expeditions; south pole; EXPEDITION Title: Captain Robert F. Scott on skis / H.G.P. Abstract/medium: 1 photographic print ; 16.4 x 11.7 cm (image), 29.3 x 24.3 cm (mount) Title: Captain Robert F. Scott writing in his diary Abstract/medium: 1 photographic print ; 12 x 17.1 cm (image), 24.3 x 29.3 cm (mount) The flag in question was displayed at a departure dinner held for Captain Robert Falcon Scott and his officers in Cardiff on 13 June 1910, flown on the Terra Nova as the ship sailed from Cardiff and when she returned in 1913 and on St David’s Day 1911 and 1912, the flag was hoisted in Antarctica at Scott’s expedition base hut. Gedenkkreuz für Robert Falcon Scott und die anderen auf dem Rückweg vom Südpol umgekommenen Mitglieder der britischen Terra-Nova-Expedition auf dem Observation Hill Diagram of the globe with the emphasis showing the use of Tabloid at both the North and South Poles Wellcome Images Keywords: Medicine Chests; Ernest Henry Shackleton; Exploration; Robert Falcon Scott; Burroughs Wellcome and Company Diary of Scott or Shackleton? with lock. Wellcome Images Keywords: Exploration; Robert Falcon Scott; antartic Diary of search for Scott, Wilson, Bowers, and Oates. Wellcome Images Keywords: explorers; Robert Falcon Scott Inside the Discovery Hut Plaque located in the church of St Peter and St Paul, Blandford Forum. GHS scott Photographer Herbert Ponting during the Terra Nova Expedition. Cape Evans, October 1911. Photograph by Robert Scott Kathleen and Robert Falcon Scott at their wedding, 1908. Last Rest (Grave of Scott, Wilson, and Bowers) Captain Scotts birthday is being celebrated. Commander Scott. Captain Scott mounted on his skis. Dr. Wilson, Captain Scott, Captain Oates, Lieutenant Bowers, Edgar Evans. The grave of Scott, Wilson and Bowers on the Great Barrier Reef. Snow cairn raised above the graves of Captain Scott, Lieutenant Bowers and Dr. Wilson. Letter from Herbert Ponting to Burroughs Wellcome & Co regarding Tabloid Rytol photographic developer, supplied to Ponting as part of the Burroughs Wellcome & Co products given Captain Robert Falcon Scotts British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1912. Ponting was the Expeditions official photographer. Wellcome Images Keywords: Burroughs Wellcome & Co; British Antarctic Expedition; Robert Falcon Scott; British History Letter from Herbert Ponting to Burroughs Wellcome & Co regarding Tabloid Rytol photographic developer, supplied to Ponting as part of the Burroughs Wellcome & Co products given Captain Robert Falcon Scotts British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1912. Ponting was the Expeditions official photographer. Wellcome Images Keywords: Burroughs Wellcome & Co; British Antarctic Expedition; Robert Falcon Scott; British History Lyttelton, New Zealand: the port and town from Sumner Road. Albumen print. Iconographic Collections Keywords: Expedition; Wheeler & Son; Exploration; Antarctic; Ernest Henry Shackleton; Robert Falcon Scott; Expeditions National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1903 A cloth covered album containing 48 photographic prints relating to the National Antarctic Expedition between 1901 and 1903 when E. H. Shackleton was sent home. The album is inscribed by Shackleton With kindest wishes from E. H. Shackleton to the Missis Dawson Lambton in Remembrance of the great share they took in helping the Expedition, June 1905. According to a caption in the album the Dawson Lambtons subscribed to the balloon that was taken and used. A few photographs illustrate the balloon and the view from it. There is some element of doubt about the accuracy of some of the captions and images. They may have been compiled in such a way as to provide a narrative, rather than an accurate record as depicted by each image. ALB0346; National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1903, Plate 40, E.H. Shackleton, Captain Scott and Dr Wilson National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1903 A cloth covered album containing 48 photographic prints relating to the National Antarctic Expedition between 1901 and 1903 when E. H. Shackleton was sent home. The album is inscribed by Shackleton With kindest wishes from E. H. Shackleton to the Missis Dawson Lambton in Remembrance of the great share they took in helping the Expedition, June 1905. According to a caption in the album the Dawson Lambtons subscribed to the balloon that was taken and used. A few photographs illustrate the balloon and the view from it. There is some element of doubt about the accuracy of some of the captions and images. They may have been compiled in such a way as to provide a narrative, rather than an accurate record as depicted by each image. ALB0346; Among the crevasses - furthest south, plate 38 Plate from Captain Scotts expedition to the Antarctic, 1901-1904 glazed ceramic plate; white ground with royal blue band around edge and transfer print logo with image of Penguin inside garter with DISCOVERY ANARCTIC EXPEDITION 1901 H.M.S. Calypso Taken from an Autograph log as midshipman on HMS Euphrates, Boadicea, Royal Adelaide, Liberty, Monarch and Rover, 8 September 1883-5 August 1887, in a volume printed in log-book form by Clarke & Son, illustrated with 20 hand-drawn charts, 41 drawings and watercolours of coastal scenes, buildings and ships, 7 diagrams of shipboard instruments and gear, and 7 decorated title-pages, mostly interleaved; an addendum in the final three pages lists remarks on his conduct made by each of his captains between July 1883 and August 1895, approximately 482 pages, folio, half black roan (extremities rubbed). Lot number: Live Auction 7470 lot 323 Sale 27 Sep 2007 Derivative of the image: File:Terra Nova (ship, 1884) - LoC 10191u.jpgUrheber: Bain News Service, publisher keine Bildbeschreibung Dieses Bild ist unter der digitalen ID cph.3a15336 in der Abteilung für Drucke und Fotografien der US-amerikanischen Library of Congress abrufbar.Diese Markierung zeigt nicht den Urheberrechtsstatus des zugehörigen Werks an. Es ist in jedem Falle zusätzlich eine normale Lizenzvorlage erforderlich. Siehe Commons:Lizenzen für weitere Informationen. Captain Robert Falcon Scott writing in his diary, Cape Evans hut, 7th October 1911. Brown toned carbon print. Stamps of Ross Dependency, first issue, 1957 Rough sketch made at the grave of Scott, Wilson, and Bowers. Wellcome Images Keywords: Robert Falcon Scott; commemoration; explorers Robert Scotts kitchen at Kelly Tarletons, Auckland Last page of Robert Falcon Scott Diary Robert Falcon Scott in full regalia: this was reproduced as a frontispiece for Scotts The Voyage of the Discovery (London 1905).[1] Crop of Robert Falcon Scott in full regalia: this was reproduced as a frontispiece for Scotts The Voyage of the Discovery (London 1905) Dieses Bild zeigt das geschützte Gebiet der Antarktis mit der Nummer The flag that R. Scott used on his sled during the Discovery Expedition, slightly different from the one used on the Terra Nova expedition Caricature of Captain RF Scott RN. Caption read The South Pole. 11 OClock Oxo on board the Terra Nova, advert published some 9 months after Scotts death which was still unknown back in England This picture is the copyright of the Lordprice Collection and is reproduced on Wikipedia with their permission Source URL keine Bildbeschreibung Sledge flag, Robert Falcon Scott Captain R.F. Scotts sledge flag . It is mad of heavyweight silk sateen, and is machine stitched. It is designed as medieval standard with Cross of St George nearest the hoist; the remainder of the flag is divided horizontally white over blue. The centre is embroidered with the Scott family crest of a stags head and the motto: Ready Aye Ready in brown, overlapping the join between the two stripes. The edge of the pennant is worked in twisted cream and blue cord. It was flown at the South Pole during Scotts 1910-1913 expedition, during which Scott and his companions died in March 1912 on their return journey. The flag was recovered from their tent by the relief party. ZBA1609; Sledge Flag Supplies for the Discovery, British Antarctic Expedition, in 1910, manufactured by Burroughs, Wellcome & Co. Wellcome Images Keywords: Burroughs Wellcome & Co; Robert Falcon Scott The great white South : being an account of experiences with Captain Scotts South pole expedition and of the nature life of the Antarctic / The siege of the South pole; the story of Antarctic exploration / Two pieces of Finiskol lashing used by Scott, as wick for lightning. Wellcome Images Keywords: Equipment; Equipment and Supplies; explorers; Robert Falcon Scott Fakten über Robert Scott Wodurch ist Robert Scott bekannt?
Robert Scott war ein 🙋♂️ britischer Polarforscher
Wie alt wurde Robert Scott?
Robert Scott erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 43 Jahren.
Wann hat Robert Scott Geburtstag?
Robert Scott wurde an einem Samstag am ⭐ 6. Juni 1868 geboren.
Wo wurde Robert Scott geboren?
Robert Scott wurde in 🚩 Devonport bei Plymouth, England, geboren.
Wann starb Robert Scott?
Robert Scott ist am ✟ 29. März 1912 in Ross-Schelfeis, Arktis, gestorben.
In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Robert Scott geboren?
Robert Scott wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♊ Zwilling geboren.