Rutherford Birchard Hayes war amerikanischer Politiker und Mitglied der Republikanischen Partei. Er war Abgeordneter im Repräsentantenhaus der Vereinigten Staaten und anschließend längere Zeit Gouverneur von Ohio, bevor er 1877 19. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten wurde.
Hayes kam als Halbwaise in bürgerlichen Verhältnissen zur Welt. Nach einem Abschluss am Kenyon College brach er eine Anwaltslehre ab, um an der Harvard University Rechtswissenschaften zu studieren. Im Jahr 1845 erhielt er seine Zulassung als Anwalt und eröffnete eine Kanzlei in Marietta, die er einige Jahre später nach Cincinnati verlegte. 1852 heiratete er Lucy Ware Webb, eine überzeugte Abolitionistin.
Nach politischen Anfängen in der Whig Party wechselte er Mitte der 1850er Jahre zu den Republikanern und unterstützte bei der Präsidentschaftswahl 1860 Abraham Lincoln. Während des Amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs diente er in der Armee der Nordstaaten und stieg bis zum Generalmajor auf. Einer seiner Offiziere im 23. Ohio-Infanterieregiment war der spätere Präsident William McKinley. Nach zwei Jahren als Abgeordneter im Repräsentantenhaus wurde er im Januar 1868 Gouverneur des Bundesstaats Ohio. Mit einer Unterbrechung von drei Jahren hatte er dieses Amt bis zu seiner Amtseinführung als Präsident inne.
1876 nominierte ihn die Republican National Convention zu ihrem Kandidaten für die Präsidentschaftswahl 1876. Hayes gewann die Mehrheit der Wahlmänner-, sein Gegenkandidat Samuel J. Tilden jedoch die der Wählerstimmen. Es war der erste derart umstrittene Wahlausgang in der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten. Zur Klärung des Endresultats setzte der Kongress eine Kommission ein. Die Kernfrage war, inwieweit Afroamerikaner in den Südstaaten an der Stimmabgabe gehindert worden waren. Der Konflikt wurde zwar durch den bis heute umstrittenen Kompromiss von 1877 gelöst, Teile der Opposition warfen Hayes aber bis zum Ende seiner Präsidentschaft fehlende Legitimität vor.
Der Kompromiss sah vor, dass die Demokratische Partei Hayes’ Präsidentschaft anerkannte, die Republikaner dafür aber dem von den Demokraten dominierten Solid South Zugeständnisse machten. Infolgedessen wurde die Militärbesatzung der letzten Südstaaten und damit auch die Politik der Reconstruction nach dem Bürgerkrieg beendet. Dies ebnete den Jim-Crow-Gesetzen den Weg, die den 14. und den 15. Zusatzartikel aushebelten, die Rassentrennung etablierten und in der Folge den Schwarzen fast ein Jahrhundert lang die vollen Bürgerrechte verwehrten.
Als der Große Eisenbahnstreik von 1877 in Gewalt ausartete, entsandte Hayes die United States Army zur Wiederherstellung der Ordnung. Er initiierte eine Verwaltungsreform, um die Macht der Parteimaschinerie über die staatlichen Behörden zu brechen, womit er sich einflussreiche Republikaner vor allem in New York zu Gegnern machte. Außenpolitisch schlichtete er einen Grenzdisput zwischen Argentinien und Paraguay, der wenige Jahre nach dem Tripel-Allianz-Krieg wieder aufgeflammt war. Er strebte keine zweite Amtszeit an und setzte sich nach seiner Präsidentschaft in seiner Residenz Spiegel Grove zur Ruhe, die sich heute auf dem Gelände des Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Centers befindet.
Rutherford B. Hayes wurde in Delaware, Ohio, USA, geboren.
Bilder zum Thema Rutherford B. Hayes
Bildquelle: HayesnKinman1876.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / likely Elliott and Armstead photographers, Columbus, Ohio Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Governor of Ohio and Presidential Candidate Rutherford B. Hayes and mountain man Seth Kinman on September 18, 1876 when Kinman presented Hayes one of his famous elkhorn chairs. Chair is now in the Hayes Library in Ohio. Kinman sold copies of the photo.
Bildquelle: thumbnail.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Lizenz: gemeinfrei
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Original photograph by Peterson and Bros.; copied by Theodore Peiser. PH Coll 284.14 Subjects (LCTGM): Crowds--Washington (State)--Seattle; Memorial rites & ceremonies--Washington (State)--Seattle; Hotels--Washington (State)--Seattle Subjects (LCSH): Occidental Hotel (Seattle, Wash.)
Comparison of the four U.S. presidential elections in which the Electoral College winner lost the popular vote. Read the article: United States presidential elections in which the winner lost the popular vote: 1876: Samuel J. Tilden (Democrat) vs. Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican) 1888: Grover Cleveland (Democrat) vs. Benjamin Harrison (Republican) 2000: Al Gore (Democrat) vs. George W. Bush (Republican) 2016: Hillary Clinton (Democrat) vs. Donald Trump (Republican) Chart created with Template:Graph:Chart, data from
A signed check by Rutherford B. Hayes (19th President of the United States) while serving as a US Representative from Ohio.
Bildquelle: Ice_cream_plate.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Der ursprünglich hochladende Benutzer war Crypticfirefly in der Wikipedia auf Englisch Lizenz: Free Art License
Photograph of ice cream plate in the Smithsonian depicting a snowshoe, part of the china used by Rutherford B. Hayes during his presidency. Uploader is creator of the photograph.
Bildquelle: thumbnail.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Lizenz: gemeinfrei
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Title: Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right Abstract/medium: 1 photographic print.
Bildquelle: Our_Military_Presidents.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / U.S. Air Force graphic/Senior Airman Luis Loza Gutierrez Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Diagram of U.S. Military Presidents with highest obtained rank, starting from the first to most recent president to have served. (Presidential images courtesy of educational, governmental and historical public sources. U.S. Air Force graphic/Senior Airman Luis Loza Gutierrez) GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, N.D -- The majority of our nations presidents hold the distinction of once being referred to as brothers-in-arms before they ever held the title of Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces. In observance of Presidents Day, we present the following facts: Thirty-one of our 44 American presidents have served in the military, and 12 of them have been general officers (O-7 to O-11 with one, at least in theory, O-12). The three presidents to hold the highest military ranks were: George Washington, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ulysses S. Grant, respectively. Washington held the rank of lieutenant general (O-9) when he died, but in 1976, then-president Gerald R. Ford posthumously appointed him to General of the Armies of the United States. The only other person to hold the same title was Gen. John J. Pershing, who retired on Sept. 13, 1924. Although both Washington and Pershing received the same appointment, Washington is considered the higher-ranking officer as President Ford specified he would rank higher than all officers past, present and future. This special appointment would theoretically make Washington a six-star general - or O-12. President Eisenhower reached the status of a five-star general while serving as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during World War II (1942-1945). He is one of only nine U.S. officers to have worn the five-star insignia. In all, four Army generals, four Navy admirals, and one Air Force general have officially worn the five-star insignia. President Grant served as lieutenant general until Congress enacted legislation authorizing the grade of General of the Army on July 25, 1866. Although that title is associated with the five-star insignia, Grant held the position as a four-star general. He saw combat in both the Mexican-American War and the Civil War. In addition to those who went on to achieve general officer ranks, ten of the presidents obtained the rank of colonel (O-6). Two of those colonels were also two of our nations Founding Fathers: Thomas Jefferson (third president) and James Madison (fourth president). Both were militia men. Another president who served as an Army colonel was Theodore Roosevelt (26th president). During the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt helped organized and command the 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, better known as the Rough Riders. As a former president, Roosevelt volunteered for service in World War I, however, then-president Woodrow Wilson, declined Roosevelts offer. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor in 2001. Two of the presidents reached the pay grade of O-5. One of those O-5s was our 36th president and former Navy commander, Lyndon B. Johnson. LBJ served during World War II and was presented a Silver Star medal by Army Gen. Douglas MacArthur for his role on a B-26 bomber mission. The other was President James Monroe (fifth president). Two other presidents who had notable military service in the Navy were John F. Kennedy and George H. W. Bush, our 35th and 41st presidents respectively. Both men achieved the rank of lieutenant (O-3) and both served during World War II. JFK earned a Purple Heart and a Navy and Marine Corps Medal for heroism. Our 41st president, President George H. W. Bush, remains the youngest person to ever become an aviator in the U.S. Navy. The former Sailor also earned the Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions during a mission. He completed his attack on Japanese military forces despite his aircraft catching fire and ultimately crashing. President Bushs son, George W. Bush became our nations 43rd president, but not before serving as a pilot in the Texas and Alabama Air National Guard. He is currently the only president to have served in the modern-day U.S. Air Force. However, Ronald Reagan, our 40th president, was part of the Air Forces early history. Reagan served as a captain in the U.S. Army Air Force (also known as Army Air Corps). He helped make more than 400 training films when he was assigned to the 1st Motion Picture Unit in Culver City, Calif. He was discharged from active duty in 1945, prior to the Air Force becoming its own separate military service in 1947. James Buchanan, our 15th president, held the lowest rank among our military presidents. He was a private (E-1) in the Army, and the only president who enlisted without becoming an officer. He saw combat during the War of 1812. Buchanans successor, President Abraham Lincoln, was a private in the Illinois State Militia. He fought in the Black Hawk War, and although his military service was only three months, he was elected to the rank of captain by his militia company. According to Renee Hylton, a historian for the National Guard Bureau, election of officers within militia units was a common practice at the times.
Title: President and Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes (Lucy Webb Hayes), full-length portrait, looking slightly left Abstract/medium: 1 photographic print on carte de visite mount.
PH Coll 1230.55 Rutherford B. Hayes was born October 4, 1822 in Delaware, Ohio. He attended Harvard Law School in 1843 and would become a politician and the 19th president of the United States from 1877-1881.
Thomas Edison with Tin-Foil Phonograph at the studio of Mathew Brady. Edison demonstrated his Tin-Foil Phonograph to the National Academy of Science meeting and to President Rutherford B. Hayes. Keywords: thomas edison; presidents; rutherford b. hayes; phonograph; Edison; Thomas A.; (EDIS Historical Photo Series Name)
Thomas Edison with Tin-Foil Phonograph at the studio of Mathew Brady. In Washington DC Edison demonstrated his Tin-Foil Phonograph to the National Academy of Science meeting and to President Rutherford B. Hayes. Keywords: thomas edison; presidents; rutherford b. hayes; phonograph; Edison; Thomas A.; (EDIS Historical Photo Series Name)
Thomas Edison with Tin-Foil Phonograph at the studio of Mathew Brady. In Washington DC Edison demonstrated his Tin-Foil Phonograph to the National Academy of Science meeting and to President Rutherford B. Hayes. Keywords: thomas edison; presidents; rutherford b. hayes; phonograph; Edison; Thomas A.; (EDIS Historical Photo Series Name)
Bar chart showing the absolute margin by which the five Presidents of the United States who lost the popular vote were defeated: 2016: Donald Trump (REP) lost by 2,865,075 to Hillary Clinton (DEM) 2000: George W. Bush (REP) by 547,398 to Al Gore (DEM) 1888: Benjamin Harrison (REP) by 94,530 to Grover Cleveland (DEM) 1876: Rutherford B. Hayes (REP) by 252,666 to Samuel J. Tilden (DEM) 1824: John Quincy Adams (DRP) by 38,221 votes to Andrew Jackson (DRP). Chart created with Template:Graph:Chart, data from
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