Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp, geboren am 19. März 1848 in Monmouth, Illinois, USA, und verstorben am 13. Januar 1929 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA war ein nordamerikanischer Revolverheld, der in seinem Leben auch als Farmer, Transporteur, Büffeljäger, Gesetzeshüter (Marshal) in verschiedenen Städten des Westens der Vereinigten Staaten, Glücksspieler, Saloonbesitzer und Bergmann tätig war. Bekannt wurde er durch seine Beteiligung an der Schießerei am O. K. Corral zusammen mit Doc Holliday und seinen zwei Brüdern Virgil und Morgan Earp. Wyatt Earp wurde zur US-Legende, nicht zuletzt durch eine Vielzahl von Filmen, Biografien und Romanen.
Wyatt Earp wurde in Monmouth, Illinois, USA, geboren.
Bilder zum Thema Wyatt Earp
Bildquelle: Wyatt-earp-mother.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Autor/-in unbekannt Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Wyatt Earp with his mother Virginia Ann Cooksey Earp c. 1856. Wyatt was named by his father Nicholas for Captain Wyatt Berry Stapp, leader of Stapps Company, a cavalry regiment of mounted volunteers from Warren, County, Illinois during the Mexican-American War.
Dodge City Peace Commission, early June, 1883. The men went to Dodge armed to support Luke Short in a confrontation with business interests that wanted to force him out of town. The title of peace commission (later applied to the photo) was ironic. Their presence did produce a peaceful resolution. According to a biography of Wyatt Earp by Casey Tefertiller, the photo was taken in the Conkling Studio at Dodge City in June 1883 and first appeared in the National Police Gazette on 21 July, 1883. From left to right, standing: W.H. Harris, Luke Short, Bat Masterson, W.F. Petillon. Seated: Charlie Bassett, Wyatt Earp, Frank McLain (possibly M. C. Clark; see Dodge City Peace Commission), and Neal Brown Its a published pre-1923 historical photo, so the release should read that. Sbharris 21:36, 3 March 2006 (UTC)
Bildquelle: Earp83.JPG Autor: Wikipedia / Conkling Studio Lizenz: gemeinfrei
The Dodge City Peace Commission June 1883. From left to right: Standing: W.H. Harris, Luke Short, Bat Masterson; Seated: Charlie Bassett, Wyatt Earp, Frank McLain and Neal Brown.
Bildquelle: Wyatt_Earp_1.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Autor/-in unbekannt Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Wyatt Earp circa 1870s
Bildquelle: Wyatt_Earp_1896.png Autor: Wikipedia / Autor/-in unbekannt Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Wyatt Earp depicted in the December 4, 1896 issue of the New York Journal
A cartoon caricature of Wyatt Earp after the Sharkey-Fitzimmons fight. Acting as referee, Earp called the fight in Sharkeys favor, although Fitzimmons was winning, because of a foul when Fitzimmons struck Sharkey in the groin. The public was outraged by Earps decision and newspapers pilloried Earp for many weeks afterward.
Dodge City Peace Commission, early June, 1883. The men went to Dodge armed to support Luke Short in a confrontation with business interests that wanted to force him out of town. The title of peace commission (later applied to the photo) was ironic. Their presence did produce a peaceful resolution. According to a biography of Wyatt Earp by Casey Tefertiller, the photo was taken in the Conkling Studio at Dodge City in June 1883 and first appeared in the National Police Gazette on 21 July, 1883. From left to right, standing: W.H. Harris, Luke Short, Bat Masterson, W.F. Petillon. Seated: Charlie Bassett, Wyatt Earp, Frank McLain (possibly M. C. Clark; see Dodge City Peace Commission), and Neal Brown Its a published pre-1923 historical photo, so the release should read that. Sbharris 21:36, 3 March 2006 (UTC)
Wyatt Earp billed his Dexter Saloon in Nome, seen here in 1901, as, The only second class saloon in Alaska. (From the Eric Hegg Collection, University of Washington HEG425)
Wyatt Earps camp, tent and ramada near Vidal, California and Wyatts mining operations. Sadie is at left, Wyatt is on the right with his dog. Found among Sadie Earps private papers. From the Glenn Boyer Collection.
Bildquelle: John_H_Flood_Jr.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Autor/-in unbekannt Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Mining engineer John H. Flood Jr. became Wyatt Earps volunteer personal secretary in the 1920s. He wrote the only authorized biography of Earp.
During 1918 and 1919, Wyatt Earp told his story about the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral and its aftermath to John Flood. With Earps input, Flood drew a map of the location of Iron Springs, where Earp killed Curly Bill Brocius. Earp was also interviewed by Forrestine Hooker. The map was included in her story.
Bildquelle: Nome_Alaska_1900.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Autor/-in unbekannt Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Front Street, Nome, Alaska on July 17, 1900, at the height of the Alaska Gold Rush. The Dexter Saloon at left was owned by Wyatt Earp and his partner Charles E. Hoxie. It was the citys first two story wooden building and its largest and most luxurious saloon.
Bildquelle: Northern_Saloon.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Autor/-in unbekannt Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Wyatt Earps Northern Saloon, in Tonopah, Nevada. The woman on the left is thought to be Josephine Earp.
Wyatt and Josephine Earp in their mining camp near Vidal California. They owned a number of mining claims that they worked during the fall, winter, and spring of each year.
This is a picture of a pistol left in Juneau, Alaska by Wyatt Earp, who was on his way to Nome, Alaska. It is on display at the Red Dog Saloon in Juneau. I (Eric V. Blanchard) took this photo in August 2003. I permanently relinquish all rights to the work. Evb-wiki 17:51, 22 December 2006 (UTC)
Wyatt S. Earps signature from the title page of a Little Leather Library edition of Rip Van Winkle and Other Tales. The book was to Earp by actor William Hart. Removed watermark / foxing.
Bat Masterson (standing) and Wyatt Earp, Dodge City lawmen, 1876. Bats hand rests on the butt of his six gun, holstered for cross draw. Courtesy Jack DeMaattos collection.
Bildquelle: Wyatt_Earp,_Wanted.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / nineteenth century poster Lizenz: gemeinfrei
1881 Wanted for Questioning poster, presumably by Sheriff John Behan, Tombstone, Arizona. (not carbon-dated or authenticated, but appears to be real, and the paper appears to be 19th century fragility.)
Wyatt Earp war ein 🙋♂️ US-amerikanischer Revolverheld und Gesetzeshüter
Wie hieß Wyatt Earp mit vollständigem Namen?
Wyatt Earp hieß gebürtig Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp.
Wie alt wurde Wyatt Earp?
Wyatt Earp erreichte ein Alter von ⌛ 80 Jahren.
Wann hat Wyatt Earp Geburtstag?
Wyatt Earp wurde an einem Sonntag am ⭐ 19. März 1848 geboren.
Wo wurde Wyatt Earp geboren?
Wyatt Earp wurde in 🚩 Monmouth, Illinois, USA, geboren.
Wann starb Wyatt Earp?
Wyatt Earp ist am ✟ 13. Januar 1929 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA, gestorben.
In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Wyatt Earp geboren?
Wyatt Earp wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♓ Fische geboren.
Wie groß war Wyatt Earp?
Wyatt Earp hatte eine Größe von ca. 📏 1,83 m. Damit ist er größer als die meisten deutschen Männer. Laut Statistik von 2021 beträgt die durchschnittliche Körpergröße eines Mannes in Deutschland 1,79 m.
Diese Seite wird auch unter folgenden Suchbegriffen gefunden: Alter Wyatt Earp | Wyatt Earp Steckbrief | Wyatt Earp Größe | Wyatt Earp Geburtstag | Wyatt Earp geboren | Wyatt Earp Geburtsort | Wyatt Earp Alter | Wyatt Earp Geburtsdatum | Wyatt Earp Sternzeichen | In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Wyatt Earp geboren | Wo wurde Wyatt Earp geboren | Alter von Wyatt Earp Du befindest dich auf der Seite Wyatt Earp Einige Textpassagen dieser Seite stammen aus dem Wikipedia-Artikel Wyatt Earp, Lizenz: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Autor/en: Liste.