Pearl Sydenstricker Buck war eine US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin. Ihr Geburtsname Sydenstricker findet sich in der häufig verwendeten Schreibweise Pearl S. Buck wieder.
Buck wurde 1938 „für ihre reichen und wahrhaft epischen Schilderungen des chinesischen Bauernlebens und für ihre biographischen Meisterwerke“ mit dem Nobelpreis für Literatur ausgezeichnet. Sechs Jahre zuvor hatte sie für ihren Roman Die gute Erde bereits den Pulitzer-Preis erhalten.
President John F. Kennedy and others gather in the East Room to attend a reading by actor, Frederic March, of excerpts from the works of late American Nobel Prize winners during a dinner in honor of Nobel laureates from the Western Hemisphere. President Kennedy (center left) visits with Nobel Prize-winning author, Pearl S. Buck; First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy (center right) visits with poet and Nobel Prize nominee, Robert Frost. Lady Bird Johnson (left) and Agnes Charlier Jarring (wife of Ambassador of Sweden, Gunnar Jarring) sit in front row. Other Nobel Prize winners pictured include: Chairman of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology, Dr. Linus Pauling; Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry at Cornell University Medical College, Dr. Vincent du Vigneaud; biochemist from the University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Melvin Calvin; physicist from Stanford University, Dr. Robert Hofstadter; physicist from the University of Illinois, Dr. John Bardeen; and chemist from the University of California, Berkeley, Dr. William F. Giauque. Also pictured: Dorothy Léger; President of Atlanta University, Dr. Rufus E. Clement; President of Harvard University, Dr. Nathan M. Pusey; author, Van Wyck Brooks; Genevieve Jemtegaard Calvin; literary critics, Lionel Trilling and Diana Trilling; author, John Dos Passos; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, Richard N. Goodwin; Sandra Leverant Goodwin; and composer, Alexei Haieff. White House, Washington, D.C.
John Long, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Pearl S. Buck International, presents Mrs. Laura Bush with the 2006 Pearl S. Buck Woman of the Year award Tuesday, October 24, 2006, at the Pearl S. Buck House in Perkasie, Pennsylvania. The Pearl S. Buck award is given to honor women who make outstanding contributions in the areas of cross-cultural understanding, humanitarian outreach, and improving the life and expanding opportunities for children around the world. White House photo by Shealah Craighead
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